Jace Heroic Objective Guide

Posts: 224
Jace Heroic Objective Guide
Quicknote: If you find one of unknown cards or feel you have also better strategy (preferably one that doesn't revolve around a particular Mythic), feel free to comment!
Jace Heroic Battle #1
250 Runes - Pacifist (Kill 3 or less creatures and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Comeback (Take 88 or more damage and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Jaces Sanctum
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 4
Opponents Library:
Creatures (4)
Ringwarden Owl
Soulblade Jinn
Jhessian Thief
Disciple of the Ring
Spells (4)
Clash of Wills
Bone to Ash
Calculated Dismissal
Supports (2)
Jaces Sanctum
Not a very hard battle. Jaces Sanctum is slightly annoying, and if you want to focus on smashing it quickly, I won't debate your decision. Watch out for Dreadwaters and Disciple of the Ring.
Pacifist Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Chandra, Nissa, Jace
Keep your berserkers and defenders on the bench for this one. Chandra and Nissa should focus on quick hitters like Volcanic Rambler, Enthralling Victor, or even Abbot, or one of the many green non-defenders. Get creatures out quickly and ping Jace with Chandras 1st ability and Overrun with Nissas 2nd . Demolish will help defend against Dreadwaters and Sanctum while you amass an offense. For Jace, keep your normal control game going, use bounce instead of Turn to Frog to keep from causing a kill. Takes a little longer than Nissa or Chandra, but you can easily get the desired effect.
Comeback Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Any
Orbs of Warding is your best friend here. Alhammarrets Archive only makes it easier. Get Orbs out, take damage until you either cross the required mark, or are sure that you will cross it before you win, and unload an entire hand of offense. If you find yourself lacking Orbs of Warding, your go to is Gideon. Lifelink gives the same effect since you are required to take damage, not win with a set amount of hit points. Let the opponent slam you for a bit, then unleash your lifelink creatures and buff them. Life gaining spells work, just not as efficiently.
Jace Heroic Battle #2
250 Runes - Resilient (Take 8 or less damage and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Spellcaster (Cast 9 or more spells and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Disciple of the Ring
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 2
Opponents Library:
Creatures (4)
Disciple of the Ring
Separatist Voidmage
Harbinger of the Tides
Spells (5)
Talent of the Telepath
Anchor to the Aether
Turn to Frog
Unknown Cards (1)
Reason to believe the unknown card is Displacement Wave
This deck is very 'Bounce' heavy. If Jace isn't sending your cards back to your hand, he's turning your creatures into frogs or gaining control of them with Willbreaker. Having Disciple pitted against you from the start is no laughing matter, as Disciple will hit hard, kill your mana, and disable a creature with reach by matching one or more of the 5 activated orbs. Proceed with caution.
Resilient Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Jace, Liliana, Gideon
Disciple can hit you for 11+ damage right off the bat, so you need to take care of her or get a defender out 1st turn. Jace is great here. Using either the exact same deck or a similar deck, you can beat him at his own game. Get a bounce card 1st turn, and save a bounce or 12 walker points for anything that might come out. Liliana will want a death spell 1st turn, and either keep the opponent with no cards, or kill anything that pops out. There are no flying creatures here, so graveblade marauder helps. Fleshbag and despoiler with some type of revive will also keep you ready for a kill. Gideon is golden here 'if' you can get out a defender before Disciple hits you, then get out a 1st strike with defender, and buff him while you keep a full hand to avoid being bounced. Watch for turn to frog tho. Suppressed Bonds is a nice way to build defense up without taking care of Disciple right away.
Spellcaster Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Jace, Chandra, Liliana.
Using the strategy stated above, Jace can easily snag both objectives here at the same time. Chandra won't have to worry about Disciple right away if you already completed the 1st objective, so she can burn everything down once she gets rolling. Liliana isn't always efficient here, but enough kill spells and debuff spells can snag both objectives here with a bit of luck/patience. Overall, this is a pretty easy objective and doesn't require a whole lot of strategy. Just Just be sure to give yourself enough time to cast the spells. I can personally tell you it sucks when you are 9 of 10 and you accidently kill the opponent.
Jace Heroic Battle #3
250 Runes - Pacifist (Kill 3 or less enemy creatures and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Burst (Summon 3 or less creatures and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Thunderclap Wyvern, Scrapskin Drake
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 4
Opponents Library:
Creatures (6)
Thunderclap Wyvern
Scrapskin Drake
Tower Geist
Ringwarden Owl
Soulblade Jinn
Alhammarret, High Arbiter
Supports (1)
Sword of the Animist
Unknown (3)
4 run throughs and I couldn't get him to drop any of these cards
The deck itself isn't very difficult to beat, but the creature heavy deck makes the objectives slightly difficult since Scrapskin has reach and Jace is quick to give your creatures -6/-0.
Pacifist Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Jace, Nissa
Bouncing doesn't count as a kill, so Jace excels here. Claustrophobia will also lock down Scrapskin since he is the only reach creature, and will always appear in the 1st slot. Mana draining spells and Mizzium will also help prevent Jace from getting Scrapskin out once the 1st is dealt with. Nissa equipped with a speed deck will get the job done well before Jace gets a 4th Scrapskin out. Just focus on getting as many creatures out as possible and saving for that 2nd Ability to get that extra 15 damage in.
Burst Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Gideon, Jace
Gideon and his first strike henchman will dominate as long as you have the support buffs to help when Jace starts giving out -6/-0's. Play Sigil, sword of the Animist, etc first, then your first strike creature. Buff him with flying, and take out the opponents offense. You can safely play a total of 3 creatures as far as I know, since there doesn't appear to be any bounce spells or creatures in the deck. Jace can get both objectives here again with the right bounce cards. Get a trio of spell buff creatures out (Genie, Owl, Theif, etc) and keep buffing the damage output while bouncing anything that gets in the way.
Jace Heroic Battle #4
250 Runes - Resilient (Take 8 or less damage and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Speed (Win the match in 7 or less rounds)
Starting Opponent Cards: Thoptor Spy Network, Claustrophobia
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 3
Opponents Library:
Supports (10)
Thoptor Spy Network
Jayemdae Tome
Yavimaya Coast
Sphinx Tutelage
Shivan Reef
Psychic Rebuttal
Sigil of Valor
Jaces Sanctum
Rogue's Passage
That's right. All support deck that you couldn't see from any Human Jace Player. He starts the match with Thoptor Network and Claustrophobia, and has a plethora of cheap supports to ensure Thoptor Network keeps pumping those Thoptors out every turn. This quickly, QUICKLY turns into a nightmare unless you immediately take Thoptor Spy Network out. If you do, the entire match becomes a breeze until he gets it out again, since it's the only way he can deal damage aside from Psychic Rebuttal.
Resilient Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Chandra, Jace
Chandra is perfect here. Demolish and Smash to Smithereens will make this one of the easiest matches in Heroics. Since you need to take less than 8 damage anyways, if you don't draw one of these 2 cards 1st turn, or if it doesn't hit Thoptor Spy Network, just restart the match with 9 Health. Make sure you don't screw yourself over if Jace gets Psychic Rebuttal out, since you will take 1 damage every time you hit him until it's gone. Keep using those 2 cards and Chandras 1st ability as well as cards like Abbot and Volcanic Rambler to get rid of any supports you see. Gideon or Jace 'can' get the job done with a lucky placed Claustrophobia/Suppressed Bonds, since Thoptors are the only thing you will see. Be careful, since he has supports that change tiles to blue. You can counter this by bouncing thoptors back as soon as you can in case claustrophobia gets destroyed.
Speed Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Nissa, Chandra
Chandra can open the door for a speed round with cheap heavy hitters and and a quick hit to Thoptor Spy Network with Demolish/Smash to Smithereens, but Nissa should get the job done just fine. Jace will do 82 damage at the end of his 6th turn, which isn't enough to kill a high level Nissa anyways, and she should have no problem dealing 80 damage in 7 turns utilizing cheap heavy hitters or a couple big hitters like Collosus or Woodland Bellower and her 2nd Ability.
Jace Heroic Battle #5
250 Runes - Defenseless (Don't summon any creatures with defender and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Destroyer (Kill 10 or more opponent creatures and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Hangerback Walker
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 2
Opponents Library:
Creatures (5)
Hangerback Walker
Harbinger of the Tides
Whirler Rouge
Aspiring Aeronaut
Mizzium Meddler
Supports (2)
Thoptor Spy Network
Unknown (3)
Decently crafted deck focusing on spawning Thoptors. Luckily, the objectives are easy to deal with. Unluckily, Hangerback Walker gets thrown in your face immediately
Defenseless Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Any
Just don't put defenders in your deck. As long as you can deal with hangerback walker, you won't have a problem getting this objective.
Destroyer Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Chandra, Gideon, Jace
Hangerback Walker can be a tough challenge for Chandra, but if you get past him and his initial barrage of Thoptors, burning 8 more creatures shouldn't be an issue. Lots of burn spells, and some high attack powered berserkers can get it done. Gideon can quickly hit 10 kills with an early reinforced buffed 1st striker (harder than it sounds). I used Jace. I bounced hangerback walker right off the bat. Turn to frog counts as a kill, and any time you bounce a frog or Thoptor, it also counts as a kill. Fill up with bounce cards and control your way to victory.
Quicknote: If you find one of unknown cards or feel you have also better strategy (preferably one that doesn't revolve around a particular Mythic), feel free to comment!
Jace Heroic Battle #1
250 Runes - Pacifist (Kill 3 or less creatures and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Comeback (Take 88 or more damage and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Jaces Sanctum
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 4
Opponents Library:
Creatures (4)
Ringwarden Owl
Soulblade Jinn
Jhessian Thief
Disciple of the Ring
Spells (4)
Clash of Wills
Bone to Ash
Calculated Dismissal
Supports (2)
Jaces Sanctum
Not a very hard battle. Jaces Sanctum is slightly annoying, and if you want to focus on smashing it quickly, I won't debate your decision. Watch out for Dreadwaters and Disciple of the Ring.
Pacifist Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Chandra, Nissa, Jace
Keep your berserkers and defenders on the bench for this one. Chandra and Nissa should focus on quick hitters like Volcanic Rambler, Enthralling Victor, or even Abbot, or one of the many green non-defenders. Get creatures out quickly and ping Jace with Chandras 1st ability and Overrun with Nissas 2nd . Demolish will help defend against Dreadwaters and Sanctum while you amass an offense. For Jace, keep your normal control game going, use bounce instead of Turn to Frog to keep from causing a kill. Takes a little longer than Nissa or Chandra, but you can easily get the desired effect.
Comeback Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Any
Orbs of Warding is your best friend here. Alhammarrets Archive only makes it easier. Get Orbs out, take damage until you either cross the required mark, or are sure that you will cross it before you win, and unload an entire hand of offense. If you find yourself lacking Orbs of Warding, your go to is Gideon. Lifelink gives the same effect since you are required to take damage, not win with a set amount of hit points. Let the opponent slam you for a bit, then unleash your lifelink creatures and buff them. Life gaining spells work, just not as efficiently.
Jace Heroic Battle #2
250 Runes - Resilient (Take 8 or less damage and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Spellcaster (Cast 9 or more spells and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Disciple of the Ring
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 2
Opponents Library:
Creatures (4)
Disciple of the Ring
Separatist Voidmage
Harbinger of the Tides
Spells (5)
Talent of the Telepath
Anchor to the Aether
Turn to Frog
Unknown Cards (1)
Reason to believe the unknown card is Displacement Wave
This deck is very 'Bounce' heavy. If Jace isn't sending your cards back to your hand, he's turning your creatures into frogs or gaining control of them with Willbreaker. Having Disciple pitted against you from the start is no laughing matter, as Disciple will hit hard, kill your mana, and disable a creature with reach by matching one or more of the 5 activated orbs. Proceed with caution.
Resilient Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Jace, Liliana, Gideon
Disciple can hit you for 11+ damage right off the bat, so you need to take care of her or get a defender out 1st turn. Jace is great here. Using either the exact same deck or a similar deck, you can beat him at his own game. Get a bounce card 1st turn, and save a bounce or 12 walker points for anything that might come out. Liliana will want a death spell 1st turn, and either keep the opponent with no cards, or kill anything that pops out. There are no flying creatures here, so graveblade marauder helps. Fleshbag and despoiler with some type of revive will also keep you ready for a kill. Gideon is golden here 'if' you can get out a defender before Disciple hits you, then get out a 1st strike with defender, and buff him while you keep a full hand to avoid being bounced. Watch for turn to frog tho. Suppressed Bonds is a nice way to build defense up without taking care of Disciple right away.
Spellcaster Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Jace, Chandra, Liliana.
Using the strategy stated above, Jace can easily snag both objectives here at the same time. Chandra won't have to worry about Disciple right away if you already completed the 1st objective, so she can burn everything down once she gets rolling. Liliana isn't always efficient here, but enough kill spells and debuff spells can snag both objectives here with a bit of luck/patience. Overall, this is a pretty easy objective and doesn't require a whole lot of strategy. Just Just be sure to give yourself enough time to cast the spells. I can personally tell you it sucks when you are 9 of 10 and you accidently kill the opponent.
Jace Heroic Battle #3
250 Runes - Pacifist (Kill 3 or less enemy creatures and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Burst (Summon 3 or less creatures and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Thunderclap Wyvern, Scrapskin Drake
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 4
Opponents Library:
Creatures (6)
Thunderclap Wyvern
Scrapskin Drake
Tower Geist
Ringwarden Owl
Soulblade Jinn
Alhammarret, High Arbiter
Supports (1)
Sword of the Animist
Unknown (3)
4 run throughs and I couldn't get him to drop any of these cards
The deck itself isn't very difficult to beat, but the creature heavy deck makes the objectives slightly difficult since Scrapskin has reach and Jace is quick to give your creatures -6/-0.
Pacifist Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Jace, Nissa
Bouncing doesn't count as a kill, so Jace excels here. Claustrophobia will also lock down Scrapskin since he is the only reach creature, and will always appear in the 1st slot. Mana draining spells and Mizzium will also help prevent Jace from getting Scrapskin out once the 1st is dealt with. Nissa equipped with a speed deck will get the job done well before Jace gets a 4th Scrapskin out. Just focus on getting as many creatures out as possible and saving for that 2nd Ability to get that extra 15 damage in.
Burst Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Gideon, Jace
Gideon and his first strike henchman will dominate as long as you have the support buffs to help when Jace starts giving out -6/-0's. Play Sigil, sword of the Animist, etc first, then your first strike creature. Buff him with flying, and take out the opponents offense. You can safely play a total of 3 creatures as far as I know, since there doesn't appear to be any bounce spells or creatures in the deck. Jace can get both objectives here again with the right bounce cards. Get a trio of spell buff creatures out (Genie, Owl, Theif, etc) and keep buffing the damage output while bouncing anything that gets in the way.
Jace Heroic Battle #4
250 Runes - Resilient (Take 8 or less damage and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Speed (Win the match in 7 or less rounds)
Starting Opponent Cards: Thoptor Spy Network, Claustrophobia
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 3
Opponents Library:
Supports (10)
Thoptor Spy Network
Jayemdae Tome
Yavimaya Coast
Sphinx Tutelage
Shivan Reef
Psychic Rebuttal
Sigil of Valor
Jaces Sanctum
Rogue's Passage
That's right. All support deck that you couldn't see from any Human Jace Player. He starts the match with Thoptor Network and Claustrophobia, and has a plethora of cheap supports to ensure Thoptor Network keeps pumping those Thoptors out every turn. This quickly, QUICKLY turns into a nightmare unless you immediately take Thoptor Spy Network out. If you do, the entire match becomes a breeze until he gets it out again, since it's the only way he can deal damage aside from Psychic Rebuttal.
Resilient Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Chandra, Jace
Chandra is perfect here. Demolish and Smash to Smithereens will make this one of the easiest matches in Heroics. Since you need to take less than 8 damage anyways, if you don't draw one of these 2 cards 1st turn, or if it doesn't hit Thoptor Spy Network, just restart the match with 9 Health. Make sure you don't screw yourself over if Jace gets Psychic Rebuttal out, since you will take 1 damage every time you hit him until it's gone. Keep using those 2 cards and Chandras 1st ability as well as cards like Abbot and Volcanic Rambler to get rid of any supports you see. Gideon or Jace 'can' get the job done with a lucky placed Claustrophobia/Suppressed Bonds, since Thoptors are the only thing you will see. Be careful, since he has supports that change tiles to blue. You can counter this by bouncing thoptors back as soon as you can in case claustrophobia gets destroyed.
Speed Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Nissa, Chandra
Chandra can open the door for a speed round with cheap heavy hitters and and a quick hit to Thoptor Spy Network with Demolish/Smash to Smithereens, but Nissa should get the job done just fine. Jace will do 82 damage at the end of his 6th turn, which isn't enough to kill a high level Nissa anyways, and she should have no problem dealing 80 damage in 7 turns utilizing cheap heavy hitters or a couple big hitters like Collosus or Woodland Bellower and her 2nd Ability.
Jace Heroic Battle #5
250 Runes - Defenseless (Don't summon any creatures with defender and win the match)
15 Mana Crystals - Destroyer (Kill 10 or more opponent creatures and win the match)
Starting Opponent Cards: Hangerback Walker
Starting Opponent Hand Size: 2
Opponents Library:
Creatures (5)
Hangerback Walker
Harbinger of the Tides
Whirler Rouge
Aspiring Aeronaut
Mizzium Meddler
Supports (2)
Thoptor Spy Network
Unknown (3)
Decently crafted deck focusing on spawning Thoptors. Luckily, the objectives are easy to deal with. Unluckily, Hangerback Walker gets thrown in your face immediately
Defenseless Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Any
Just don't put defenders in your deck. As long as you can deal with hangerback walker, you won't have a problem getting this objective.
Destroyer Strategy:
Recommended Walkers: Chandra, Gideon, Jace
Hangerback Walker can be a tough challenge for Chandra, but if you get past him and his initial barrage of Thoptors, burning 8 more creatures shouldn't be an issue. Lots of burn spells, and some high attack powered berserkers can get it done. Gideon can quickly hit 10 kills with an early reinforced buffed 1st striker (harder than it sounds). I used Jace. I bounced hangerback walker right off the bat. Turn to frog counts as a kill, and any time you bounce a frog or Thoptor, it also counts as a kill. Fill up with bounce cards and control your way to victory.
great job, thank you, cant beat last one
kill 10 creatures... probably havent good cards fot this one.. anyway can you post deck? and looking for next ones, well done
0 -
Elfuego85 wrote:great job, thank you, cant beat last one
kill 10 creatures... probably havent good cards fot this one.. anyway can you post deck? and looking for next ones, well done
You're welcome! My current Jace deck is:
Creatures (5)
Harbinger of the Tides
Disciple of the Ring
Ringwarden Owl
Soulblade Jinn
Mizzium Meddler
Spells (3)
Turn to Frog
Days Undoing
Anchor to the Aether
Supports (2)
Jaces Sanctum
This strategy heavily relies on turn to frog. If you don't have it, Scrapskin Drake can help as well as any other defenders
I bounced hangerback immediately. Anytime you bounce a token (in this case, Thoptor), or turn a creature into a frog, it counts as a kill. So, I focused on using Jaces 2nd ability to keep turn to frog available and bounced any frogs and thoptors while I controlled the game. And I would consider this objective the hardest of the Jace Heroic objectives, so don't beat yourself up if you have trouble with it. Hope this helps, and I'm going to focus on Nissa Heroics next event, and continue to get guides out alternating events.0 -
Updated for legibility purposes0
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