Championing Problems

nate461 Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Championing seemed like a good idea at first. At least it was something to do with covers you played hard to get rather than throw them away. However after some experience with championing, it has major problems. According to the MPQ developers, "While we were developing Champions, we took a close look at the balance of characters above their max level", they were worried that 2* characters could be more powerful than the comparable 3* character or 4* character or that a 3* might be more powerful than a 4* or 5* character. This concern is ridiculous, because if all you have is 2* or 3* characters it is a non issue. Getting 4* covers is rare or next to impossible as all of the rewards are very cheap, and if you were fortunate enough to get a 4* or 5* you need to dump it so it won't mess up your scaling. If you don't dump the higher characters, you will screw up your scaling for far too long, because even without the scaling problems you will never get enough ISO-8 to get their levels up.
My grandson & I have been playing for over a year, & I have spent far too much real money to try and get a reasonable roster for my 5 year old Grandson to play. Right now we have 3 two star characters at their Champion Max level of 144 and have thrown away more than 6 covers, because the program always gives Dake, Storm & Capt Marvel covers so they maxed out quickly.
Two star characters max out at level 144, 3* characters championing goes from 166 to a max of 266 and 4 star covers go from 270 to a max of 370, and 4*s go from 450 to 550.
At the very least the max of 2*s should be 166, the max of 3*s should be 270 and the max of 4 stars should be 450, which are the starting levels of the higher characters, which really doesn't matter if you can't get higher characters of have enough ISO-8 to level them up. Just bringing our 3* characters to the 166 level where they could be championed would cost us nearly 1 million ISO-8. I am not going to continue to spend real money on a game that just keeps getting worse, and my Grandson is loosing interest in.


  • Heartburn
    Heartburn Posts: 527
    games are all about fun and accomplishment/progression, if you are not getting either it maybe time to find something else you both like to do together. sorry you spent so much real money on this game, i hope it wasn't iso. that would truely break my heart.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    Championing, in my view, has been a bait-and-switch. While it has been presented as a way to increase your rosters' utility by making your characters more powerful, in reality the damage nerf reducing mid-lvl character damage output has made them LESS useful than pre-champ.

    The iso shortage that you are having an issue with is a problem dating from the start of the game, and separate from the champion feature. The best way to accumulate iso is: a) hit Deadpool Daily Quest in the story mode, b) hit the Lightning Rounds which offer generous iso rewards (70, 100, 250) or covers that can be sold for iso (100 or 250). LRs run from Tuesday at 1 pm est through Thursday 1 pm est. They last 90 minutes each, with a 30 min break interval afterwards before the next LR starts. Some players also hit Shield Sim in versus mode to farm iso as well.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    puppychow wrote:
    The iso shortage that you are having an issue with is a problem dating from the start of the game, and separate from the champion feature. The best way to accumulate iso is: a) hit Deadpool Daily Quest in the story mode, b) hit the Lightning Rounds which offer generous iso rewards (70, 100, 250) or covers that can be sold for iso (100 or 250). LRs run from Tuesday at 1 pm est through Thursday 1 pm est. They last 90 minutes each, with a 30 min break interval afterwards before the next LR starts. Some players also hit Shield Sim in versus mode to farm iso as well.

    Don't forget doing at least one clear per sub of ISO Brotherhood and Simulator if you normally skip PVE. The last node on each has a tasty 1500 or 2k ISO reward, respectively.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    just to piggyback on puppy's mention of shield sim. as an example, I've found the pve to be completely unfun. so, instead of grinding that, after I get the node cp, I've been yo-yo'ing in shield sim. I climb with my A and B teams as high as possible. for me that is usually 2X4* characters with a 3* support, but you could use whatever your teams are. i make sure and save a weaker opponent in one node. then after i use my health packs, or last night after i hit 2K, i put in a lower team (for me that was a 3*), and I lost over 100 pts overnight. it didn't lose as many as i could have because its somewhat of a troll team (fist/gamora/hood) and I've gotten many defensive wins, but by tonight i should be at least 200 pts down and able to climb that again. except tonight i'll be playing with quake, but you get the idea.