My humble thoughts on the new pve system

rollx Posts: 71 Match Maker
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Let me start off by saying I like the idea of the new pve system, but hate the execution.

I like the idea of being able to play when I want in an event node time span and not worrying about multi tapping nodes and waiting for the timer to reset. That is a step in the right direction since I personally play on breaks or in the gym or before bed (like I assume a lot of the other player base does). Being able to hit a node multiple times without the timer necessarily resetting is a step in the right direction. I think the difficulty should increase after each time you successfully win. This format caters to the pve casuals so that they can get progression of they want anytime they want, and the hardcore that can continue grinding away for that white whale of a first place.

That being said, it was executed poorly. Progression seems to be bit high, the rewards are not where they should be, and the difficulty is too intense. The difficulty start off way too high and snowballs too quickly. The only chance I have in this event (except 1 or 2 nodes so far) is to go at it with my best team. Don't get me wrong, with my best team I cleared the entire event with only using 2 health packs (damn you pyros!), but that isn't fun. I have around 80 character and I enjoy being able to play with the majority of them. Sidelining 70 or so of them takes the enjoyment out of the game for me. If I wanted to always play with my best team in would just pvp the entire day.

I enjoy pvp, but I also enjoy the aspect of pve that I can causally play and not have to worry about getting retaliated or hovering or shielding. Pve should be a relaxing, go at your own pace, grind down as far as you are willing.

What I would do about it: I hope we keep the new pve format but with a few changes. The 6 main nodes need to be scaled down. They should start out as 2 trivial, 2 easy, and 2 normal, and all scale up one tier (trivial < easy < normal < hard) after a few clears. That way people with wide rosters can use the majority of their roster without feeling so constrained. The required nodes should be the 2* required starts out trivial, 3* easy, 4* medium and moves up a tier after a few clears. That way you can actually use a 2* team to beat the first few 2* required character nodes, and so forth, respectively.

Now I know that balancing the opponents for the masses is no easy task. I do not envy the work it would take to do so, but, if done correctly, this new format would benefit everyone properly.


  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    One major issue that needs to be addressed is that I thought the difficulty was going to be based on level and cover and there is an inequality based on the essential nodes that I would like to point out:

    So I have a level 40 beast with a handful of covers since I always thought he was awful and collected him late (as I have used him I like him better and he is solid mid tier 3* but that is beyond the point), and I also have a level 128 2* Captain Marvel and a level 70 Ghost Rider with one cover.

    So here is how the essential nodes panned out for me:

    Beast wave node started at like level 55 which makes sense because my Beast is so weak. After five clears, it is now at level 85. Very gradual and acceptable progression. Beast boosted is at level 134 for me.

    Captain Marvel node started out around high 130s I believe and after five clears is at level 209. It is now starting to get difficult in the past two clears and going forward. Captain Marvel boosted is level 205 which makes her very useful.

    Ghost Rider node started out about the same in the high 130s and is now at level 209 too. However my Ghost Rider boosted is only 160 and nearly useless with one cover.

    Why is the scaling for this node the same as for 2* Captain Marvel when she is fully covered, champed and at a much higher level and very useful? The Beast node is obviously watered down due to his low level on my roster, why such increase in difficulty in Ghost Rider other than there is a CP reward? Don't they realize that many more players have lower covered 4* compared to 3* or 2*?
  • Druss
    Druss Posts: 368 Mover and Shaker
    reading this last post I'm off to shoot my champions!
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    the difficulty ramps up too fast for sure. now, if the points for the node increased with the increase in difficulty, that'd make sense. say up to 4 times the node is cleared. after that the timer to get the node back to full points starts.