Most repeated card

In my case, I have Yeva's Forcemage 10 times.



  • The_Leftist
    The_Leftist Posts: 224
    I've got several common cards at 20+

    Most Rare copies are 6 Jace Sanctums

    Also have 4 hangerback walkers and infinite obliterations for Mythics
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got 11 Mantle of Webs, 10 of something else, and a few with 9. I'm sure anyone who has close to a complete collection will have closer to 20+ of some commons, as above.
  • Keegan
    Keegan Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    I'm sitting on 33 Commons with 10+ duplicates, the winner being Firefiend Elemental at 15. I don't think I've ever even played the card. There's a half dozen sitting at 14. On the Rare side, I've seven Displacement Waves. Woo.
  • OhanaUnited
    OhanaUnited Posts: 85 Match Maker
    Common: 14 veteran's sidearm
    Uncommon: 4 possessed skaab, 4 necromantic summons, 4 war oracle
    Rare: 2 displacement wave, 2 orbs of warding, 2 hallowed moonlight
    Not a single mythic card
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    I've got 31 of these behemoths...

  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Looking at rares, I don't have that many - but I have 4 of the Pia and Kiran. That's the only rare card I win on red PvPs for some reason. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • OhanaUnited
    OhanaUnited Posts: 85 Match Maker
    shteev wrote:
    I've got 31 of these behemoths...

    Ouch, now *that's* bad
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    31? Jeez...I'm currently at 192 cards out of whatever the current max is.

    Commons, I'm almost in double digits, but currently cap out at 9 Titan's Strength and Caustic Caterpillars.
    Uncommons, 5 Reclusive Artificers (proving to be neither reclusive nor uncommon) and Anchor to the Aether.
    Rares, 3 Herald of the Pantheons.
    Mythics, 2 Starfield of Nyx (aka double sadness).
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    Card Inventory: 222
    25x Maritime Guard
  • Gun Bunny
    Gun Bunny Posts: 233 Tile Toppler
    Eleven murder investigations.

    Apparently, D3 go! thinks I live in Chicago...
  • zaann85
    zaann85 Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    16 Evolving Wilds for me.
  • Keegan
    Keegan Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    IIRC, one of the first versions of the game would tell you in the inventory screen how many unique cards you had, and how many you had total. For example, 133 unique (256 total). I checked the inventory screen and it looks like this feature has been removed, so it go me curious: how many dupes do I have now?

    I have 225 unique cards - I'm only missing a few rares and most mythics. I have 954 duplicates in my inventory. Almost a thousand cards - nearly a dozen big boxes worth, junk. There was talk a while ago about future developments offering something to do with the dupes. All I can ask is a heartfelt plea: whatever is implemented, please don't give it a flashy thing that will make it take a year to off-load all these cards icon_e_smile.gif
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    220 Unique for me missing one uncommon

    21x Titan's Strength and Reave soul
    12x Blazing Hellhound
    5x Embermaw Hellion
    2x Day's Undoing
    EDUSAN Posts: 197 Tile Toppler
    i really need to get a Demolish.... being oppening packs since december and i still cant get one