Bug: teisatsu turn to smoke vs gamora green

eShock Posts: 42
Enemy wave had only 2 teisatsu alive at low health (3rd enemy dead). My team had gamora with enough ap to activate her green aoe (area of effect) + stun (3 green covers, so 2 random stunned for 1 turn). I activate gomora green, killing both teisatsu with the aoe dmg.

There are 2 enemies, so the random stun should be applied to both teisatsu, and Turn to Smoke should not trigger on their deaths, and then next wave of enemies shows up.

Both teisatsu triggered turn to smoke and and spawned attack tiles for the next wave.

This is probably a result of the recentish change that said random aoe stuns wouldn't get "wasted" on characters that were dying from the aoe damage. However if the number of remaining enemies (before the aoe ability is activated) is less than or equal to the number of random stuns, the stuns SHOULD apply.


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Related: Turn to Smoke originally triggered just *before* lethal damage was dealt. This led to oddities like attack tiles spawning on tiles you just matched, preventing their destruction.

    It may be that what you experienced is actually the intended behavior, with the ninjas disappearing in the face of an attack that would kill them.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a side effect of the changes made a while back. The damage is applied first, the stun second, this way, the stun isn't applied to a downed opponent, and wasted.. for example, using Scarlet Witch purple was stunning an enemy for 5 turns, then immediately downing the enemy, leaving 2 enemies alive and unstunned, and a multi turn stun wasted into the ether.

    So, with the ninjas, the damage was applied first, and they died, triggering their passive, the stun, effected no-one.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    This is a side effect of the changes made a while back. The damage is applied first, the stun second, this way, the stun isn't applied to a downed opponent, and wasted.. for example, using Scarlet Witch purple was stunning an enemy for 5 turns, then immediately downing the enemy, leaving 2 enemies alive and unstunned, and a multi turn stun wasted into the ether.

    So, with the ninjas, the damage was applied first, and they died, triggering their passive, the stun, effected no-one.
    shouldn't the ability that was cast be completed before any opponent's passives? similar (but not exactly the same) with my px match-5 that triggered a caltrop, killing px because the caltrop proc'ed before his blue. sorry, but whoever has the turn - their stuff should process first.

    another question - the wasted stun issue was not something that anyone's been clamoring for. and now it just screws stuff up with opponent's passives (including xpool, hulk and marvel, with ninjas highlighted this week). not sure i like that 'fix'