Fun/Challenging v. Impossible/Frustrating



  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2016
    JackTenrec wrote:
    As far as I can tell, the changes really only benefit those who are playing for leaderboard placement. The huge progression targets I saw suggest that some amount of grinding is going to be necessary to hit the CP reward, and grinding increases difficulty level. Those who played easy nodes for rewards will also see more difficulty (and even worse now that the trivial nodes have been bumped up in level).

    How are you reaching this conclusion? The boards are full of veterans posting that they routinely finish top 10 Or top 2 in pve events but haven given up on this test event.
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    What I have noticed is my fully leveled 3* team is struggling with clear #3 and the top point leaders in my slice have 2* rosters. I thought they were going to make changes that would encourage people to level up their rosters? This test seems to have done the opposite.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 568 Critical Contributor
    The regular format already kind of fits the "fun and challenging" description for me. The first three nodes are "fun" and I use my undercovered 4*'s and get to play around with them. The last three nodes are challenging and I have to make the most of my 3 championed 3*'s and boosted characters.

    I have two accounts right now. The main one is my android one that is in the 2 to 3* transition that has three 1 cover 5* characters that are throwing off my scaling. I also started one on Steam before I knew that there was no facebook integration and that I couldn't play one account on both platforms. That account I mess around with and it has a bunch of 1 to 3 cover 3*'s and a fully covered Ironman 1* and some half covered 2*'s.

    Guess which account is having a hard time in the test and which one is breezing through the test easily? This test did nothing to address the scaling problems my 5* covers cause me.
  • They couldn't have picked a worse event to test. I freaking hate those damned ninjas and the long 4 round nodes. I got wiped by the first 4 round node on the last ninja and just gave up.

    I think there is a problem with their thought process in the first place here. Having challenging nodes, but still having to clear those nodes 7+ times just misses the mark. Do we really need to play a mobile game that much? I find I am happy with playing the DDQ and a few nodes in the event. Past that it's just grinding, and nobody really likes that.

    Just take the rewards back to 3/4 and let the hardcore grind away after that. In the end, the people who play the most will win no matter what the structure is. Give into that and let the people who play a few times a day feel good.

    As for this particular strategy, it is better than it has been. I have been on the verge of quitting for a while now. I had a burst when I spent some taxes money, but it didnt' last long at all.

    I have three 5* characters. Green Goblin has three covers I believe, with two other 1 cover characters. This has felt ok the last few events. GG is effective enough to help, but it still felt like I was punished for having them.

    This event was better, but still not great. I get that they want to reward folks for buying stuff, as that is the goal. This still feels off. The randomness of getting new covers and high cost of trying specific ones, just doesn't match the power creep right off the bat.

    Overall the system needs to look at the time involvement more than the challenge of a level. How much time should the rewards for an event take? The end goal of participation rewards should really be quite easy for most players to get. I don't believe this change achieves this at all.
  • VA5
    VA5 Posts: 66
    I did really like that points for each round remain constant and you do not have to wait for them to regenerate. It would be nice if they made the ISO prizes to correspond to the level of challenge. If I'm gonna play on par with a 2 star player and I am an upper 4 / mid 5 my iso needs are significantly higher with regards to leveling.