For what reason can someone upvote the new pve changes



  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,303 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah the scaling is awful....awful. The idea of not having to do clears every eight hours is nice but I barely made it past the first wave node. The scaling makes PvE more time intensive and less ability to compete as I would burn through 10 health packs within just three clears. Nice intention with the test but it is a failure. Btw, it also reduces the ability to gain iso due to the ridiculous scaling. Under the old system at least I could clear easy nodes for iso quickly. Not possible under this test system. Please go back to the drawing board. I don't think softcapping is even a big issue. I never see softcappers place high anyway in PvE?
  • BlokeCDP
    BlokeCDP Posts: 17
    Right I've not started yet so I cannot comment on the new system.

    I have one 5* level 255 with 3 covers.

    Rest of my characters are 3* with a handful covered with 175 level highest.

    I grinded my backside off in the quake event.

    I finished top 200. Missed quake. Hello Sentry. Was my time worth it? Absolutely not. Top end rosters got better. Lower end rosters still plod along with game changing sentry......

    Top ten had 100k plus finishing scores. Max progression was 54k.

    Top 10 had very high end rosters. Level 400+ multiple 5* and 4* characters.

    Thus, with a business partners node of 395 was easily beatable, whereas it was a struggle this end. Therefore they scored quickly and easily.

    Can you see the point here? How do you compete with top end rosters on a level playing field? You don't.

    Now scaling is harder for them. And for me likely. But the points are the same ish, bar they will be able to grind 20 points to death probably harder but still quicker.

    Many are stuck playing catch up. Or even if they can catch up. As someone mentioned this game turned into a life issue rather than a game issue - how long can you play the game for without other things interfering.

    I'm interested in seeing how things go.

    At least devs are trying.
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    JVReal wrote:
    99% of the population that don't optimal grind and don't shoot for Top 10 benefit from this.
    I don't see how they benefit when everything is so much harder. Fewer node awards, fewer progression awards, more frustration. Your response might make sense if all they did was change the points and the timer. But it doesn't make sense given everything they threw at us.

    Doesn't it though? Harder nodes that wipe your team means less playing across the board, which means less time everyone has to play. If they adjust progression rewards accordingly it will make the game much more casual for that 99% while providing a fun challenge reminiscent of Puzzle Quest.
    simonsez wrote:
    I think people are assuming this is the way it'll work from now on. They said this was a test of the new pve format.
    Someone else pointed out in the big thread that every test they've run previously was a precursor of a rollout. He's probably right, because I can't think of any gameplay test that resulted in, "sorry, that was a bad idea. You won't see that again". That's what has me worried.

    Remember those PVP's you could use HP to buy into? But typically, yeah, once they test something it goes in but slightly tweaked for the better. Let's push for more ISO to justify harder nodes. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    I upvote the changes. It just going to suck for people trying to get into the t10, because the will have to grind more, but for people like me, that cannot follow a time is perfect. I can play any time I want straight and not going to get punish for points loss. I used to be a t10 pve player before but I got burn out. Now I just play progression mostly, but definitely like the new format.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,544 Chairperson of the Boards
    JVReal wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    JVReal wrote:
    Vhailorx wrote:
    for the 99% percent of players that didn't try for top 50 placement, the old scoring system was no impediment. It was easy to play less than optimally and get top 100 in everything by a new character release event.

    Yes, most discussion of these changes is concerned with changes at the top of end of play. That's because most people who aren't at the top end of play never interact with the silly quirks of the scoring system that make a marginal difference at the top.
    In the last event, I had no intention of getting top 100, but I wanted Progression. I missed it by 550 points because of diminishing points from multiple clears. My life schedule didn't allow me to have optimal clears, but I did have time at the end of the last day, and with the diminishing returns, I missed maxed progression. I would have benefited from this PVE format by not having diminishing returns on the sub that I actually had time to clear. I still would not have placed top 100, but I would have had my 25 CP and bought a LT to have a 4* to build my roster.

    Wait, we can use anecdotal edge-cases to justify sweeping changes? Awesome! Back in 2015, I finished 22nd in the JG release event. If we changed the rules to give me an extra 4000 points at the start of each event, I would have gotten an extra JG cover way back then. I would support that change! Obviously this "example" is a reduction to the absurd, but I think it illustrates the problem with your argument.

    No matter how the system is organized, there will always be someone who finishes just outside whatever prize tier or prog total she or he wanted. That's inevitable. It doesn't change the fact that optimal play was only necessary under the old system if you wanted to finish top 50 or higher. outside of that top 5%, frequent daily play without regard for refresh times was more than enough to get the top prog reward. It sucks that you could only play at the end of the past event. but life will always get in the way for somebody and even the new system will require a minimum playtime investment for prog rewards.
    You asked who could benefit, and I stated I could. What is your problem? There is nothing absurd about my comments. Tailoring a system to appease 1% of the population is absurd.

    you mean tailor it people who take all of the rewards in PVP now want all of the rewards in PVE so they give it to them. Like i said before they want to put PVE like this they might as well just Do away with PVE and do gaunlet 100% of the time.

    now you have to be online as soon as the event starts.. your 3 or 4 hours late your screwed. ALSO

    OLD pve my ranks started out at 150 (if im understanding this right)

    i could do 2 clears and then do my final grind where my levels would stay at 150 or maybe 160

    Now im forced to do 6 grind at the start pushing my level from 150 to 210 and have to be there as soon as the NODE opens or be behind . and then Grinding at the end with my Nodes at 210 or higher....... Ummmm time to find a better game

    i have no clue where people are saying I had to grind every 8 hours.... You could hit 2 clears at once.. This way you have to hit 6 clears at the start.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pollozz wrote:
    I upvote the changes. It just going to suck for people trying to get into the t10, because the will have to grind more, but for people like me, that cannot follow a time is perfect. I can play any time I want straight and not going to get punish for points loss. I used to be a t10 pve player before but I got burn out. Now I just play progression mostly, but definitely like the new format.

    Have you started eots yet? It sounds like the scaling is so high that getting the progs might be much harder now.

    Also, if all you cared about was prog rewards before, it was relatively easy to get the top progs with less than optimum play, as long as you could put in 1-2 hours a day.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    After thinking a bit more about, I don't think it's a positive change at all. Yeah, it's clearly better for everybody who doesn't chase placement rewards or even the top progression ones. But here is the thing: this people were already playing whenever they wanted, as few or little as they wanted, because the didn't know better/they didn't care/circumstances disallow any other form of playing. So for this admittedly big group of people, things have immediately improved (not factoring the loss of easy nodes) as now, without changing their gaming habits, they will be getting more points and more progression rewards and maybe, even better placement rewards than they did.

    But did we really need to recompense the group of less-engaged players among the user base? Especially when it came at the expense of the more engaged players for whom everything became worse, more difficult and more demanding? Doesn't it follow logic that it is the more engaged players the ones that deserve, nay, need better recompense as they are the ones progressing quicker and as such being faced with the demands of the higher level of play, such as the ever-increasing Iso deficit?
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think you have the right conclusion for the wrong reason pylgrim.

    It's not that this system rewards the "moocher" class (/randian sarcasm), it's that this system makes things much harder for the 'typical' player and the elite player without any change to the rewards offered.

    The fact that more points are theoretically available to a sub optimal play schedule is meaningless if no one can earn those points.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    After playing the new enemy of the state for a day, yes, definitely I like the new format, don't have to wait exactly 8 hrs to do the nodes again, Still play the same amount of time but better because don't need to be on schedule. Like I said in a prior post, sorry for people aiming to be on T10, because they will have to grind more, for the rest of the players that don't aim for a t10 is just perfect.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pollozz wrote:
    After playing the new enemy of the state for a day, yes, definitely I like the new format, don't have to wait exactly 8 hrs to do the nodes again, Still play the same amount of time but better because don't need to be on schedule. Like I said in a prior post, sorry for people aiming to be on T10, because they will have to grind more, for the rest of the players that don't aim for a t10 is just perfect.

    But if you don't shoot for top placement, then it didn't matter if you ground optimally. You could just grind the nodes whenever was convenient for you and get the top prog reward without trouble. I know that was possible at least some of the time because I have done it (and finished top 100 too). So what is the extra value you are getting from the new system? Is it just,the peace of mind knowing that you aren't leaving points in the table if you grind all at once?
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    I said it in the main post, I'll say it again: this is working for me. It benefits me. Before work, I did a full clear, then ground down the Beast essential node. I still had 6 or 7 health packs, but I had to leave. But the point is, I got to pick and choose what I wanted to do without fear of diminishing returns. Came home, ground out the other essential nodes and did a few runs on the node with the legendary token, since it's just goons.

    Before, I would have to do a clear and then hope my schedule worked around my play time, because if I had to work or (god forbid) sleep during the time it was at full points, that was wasted opportunity.

    This works from a PROGRESSION standpoint. Are people really having that hard a time with the nodes? Maybe try some other combos. People have proven time and again that GOOD combos of characters can overpower boosted combos.

    This mode does not work for placement. I totally understand that. But, with perhaps a bit of tweaking, it IS a good model for progression.

    PvE should not be about competition. Leave that to PvP. I vote to get rid of placement rewards, so people don't freak out feeling they have to drive themselves nuts grinding endlessly when they could be having FUN.