Will 4* PVP be the hot topic in Aprils Q&A?

wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So with the Electra PVP comming up, probably for the Dare Devil release, will 4* PVP become the new meta with the April Q&A? If one out of 3 weekly PVP's were essential in PVP how would that affect how you leveled your 4*? Right now I will only level my 4* if they are top tier or if they are comming up in DPDQ and I have enough covers to win. If 4* become essential in PVP the devs really need to place a lot more ISO into the game so people can level their 4*. If you want to talk about haunting the 4* progression this will do it becuse players will need to level requires characters so they are not hindered in PVP.
I will say this I am all for 4* being essential for PVP, I would even level the worst 4* if I had the ISO. But without an increase in ISO this is a bad idea


  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,332 Chairperson of the Boards
    As far as we know, they have completely scrapped Q&A. It's like they decided to remove every single bit of possible interaction between developers and players. Now it's all relied messages via David Hi-Fi, and God knows how much is "lost in translation".
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    communication nerf.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    What have these forums done to make them want to communicate with us? If they indeed stopped communicating, then I don't think it's the right decision but I can certainly understand it.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    What have these forums done to make them want to communicate with us? If they indeed stopped communicating, then I don't think it's the right decision but I can certainly understand it.

    The forums can be a bit...rough, but silence will always make things worse. It brings out more Chicken Littles and can even lead to the level headed players becoming frustrated about legitimate issues. For example, look at the 2/3* nerf. How long it took them to even confirm it was intentionally done didn't help with an already poorly received change. I imagine a more lengthy in-depth look into what changes were made and why would have smoothed over some of the outrage.

    Back to the topic at hand, if there is a April Q&A I really hope this teased new scaling is front and center. While I know lot of vets want some 4* PvP, to me it just means instead of getting to Jeanbusters quickly, I'll get to Jeanbusters AND a third 4*. Not exactly fun with a 3* roster.

    But who knows maybe scaling changes or even the often suggested tiered PvP will change that. Fingers crossed, because I feel like the game is hitting a wall right now.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It would be great for there to be more information about this! If I didn't happen to catch this in one small thread without any further information, I would've totally missed it, and I would've been sad that my elektra would've been lower leveled than she could've been.

    It also makes me a bit sad because my main dream was to merrily go about champing my 4*s, now that I've finished champing all my 3*s, but it looks like that will no longer be possible, since I'll need to level up various 4*s to make them useful for their corresponding pvps. Which is fine, I guess.. it was going to be lengthy and boring to champ the 4*s anyway... as it takes around 10-20 days to gather the ~380 iso required to do that...

    Has anyone yet mentioned that it would be nice to get slightly more iso than we currently get, so that we can keep up? No, just me then.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    What have these forums done to make them want to communicate with us? If they indeed stopped communicating, then I don't think it's the right decision but I can certainly understand it.
    Asked them for communication.

    I do not understand their decision to not. It's their forum... they would not have created it if they did not want player communication and feedback.

    We're going to stop talking to our customers because they didn't have nice things to say about our product... but if they didn't tell us what they didn't like about our product, we would continue to make inferior products. Answer: Let them tell us what they don't like, but ignore them and continue business as usual. They can vent, and we can continue to do things our way... win/win?

    To put their lack of communication squarely on the shoulders of the community they are asking for communication from is horse puckey. They have to own up to their part. Thoughtless changes with immediate negative impact with no prior warning warrants negative reaction. Rinse and repeat and you have the community situation you have now. The solution isn't pull away and keep behavior unchanged.

    I break something, tell my parents, get yelled at and have to fix it/replace it. I break something else, tell my parents, get yelled at and have to fix it/replace it. What's the best solution here? Stop telling my parents so I don't get yelled at and having to fix/replace things? Or do I stop breaking stuff?
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    What have these forums done to make them want to communicate with us? If they indeed stopped communicating, then I don't think it's the right decision but I can certainly understand it.

    Lack of communication on D3 Go!'s part is mostly what has turned these forums into what they are. 6 weeks went by before confirmation that the 3* nerf was intentional despite some users asking almost daily if that were the case or a bug! We were asked for feedback and specifically asked for actual data and then only to be told there will be no planned changes. Why ask for feedback if from the start the plan is to ignore it?

    Head back in time to the Galactus event and it took nearly a week to tell the player base that we were wrong in expecting to be able to win.

    How many flagship events rolled out with servers issues with absolute silence from any representative of D3 Go!

    Why not post a statement along the lines of "Although we have previously allowed accounts to be merged we have regrettably decided to stop offering this service as it is too time intensive for our customer service team." A few lines that are polite, to the point and gives a valid reason. By posting it on their very own forums they would save customer service time.