Vault cover "game"

So there's a new character in the newest PvE vault! Cool! I want a Quake!

There's supposed to be increased odds to pull her. Which of course means there's only 80 covers in the whole vault.

This got me thinking... could it be that simple? Could you just count off where the desired cover falls and wait for it to come back around again? Or is it random each time it goes through the vault?

Conclusion: It is not random. In theory, you can guarantee yourself a Legendary Token, 4* cover, etc.

Except it's not that easy.

See at arcades they like to show off "games of skill" where you can win tickets, tokens, or prizes by seemingly having good reflexes and timing. Everyone has played the Jackpot game, where the lights go clockwise or counter-clockwise around the ring and you have to stop in on the JACKPOT light. No matter how good you think you are, it's not skill. The machine pays out a set amount of times like a slot machine. There is no skill involved.

At first I thought I was doing it wrong. I thought I was missing my count. But I would let it run two, three, four times through the cycle. Quake is at position 26. When you stop it, it stops on the third cover. You need to stop it on position 24. 24 is Ares, then Moonstone, then Quake. Same thing second time. And third. All 80 covers counted off, I didn't miss anything. I stop it on Ares. It shows me Ares, then Moonstone, THEN ANOTHER MOONSTONE? Where did this Moonstone come from?

I tried 10 times, each on single pulls. I could have bought a 10-pack instead. But I wanted to test my theory. I didn't think the devs would put a game of skill in a game that is mostly chance for pulls. It excited me, I wanted to see if I could "beat the system" (which really just amounts to me having a character I want to play with. I'm not top-tier, I haven't even started a 3-4* transition. I just want my Daisy.)

If it were random, I wouldn't care. I'd have bought my 10-pack and hoped for the best. But it's not. I hesitate to call it a scam, because that's a bit harsh. But it's certainly not fun.

I already was leery of the Vaults replacing traditional pulls. But now I see why it was done. This is slot machine logic, and to that effect, you now have my money. But this is supposed to be a GAME, and you are cheating people out of their money with these mechanics.

Forum peeps! Try for yourselves! Let me know if you have any success (not luck- its a method, not a gamble). Maybe it's just me. But I'd like to see if anyone else can experience the ripoff-ery that I've experienced.

Comment below if you got what you were after! Comment if you got screwed! Comment if you think I'm insane! Or don't. It's up to you.


  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you're talking about the flashing animation when you pull a vault token, the devs stated just after the vaults were first implemented in DDQ that it is just for show, and has no bearing on the actual draw. Your draw is already determined when you first press the button, before the animation even starts.

    You're not the first one to get confused by this.
  • Thank you!

    I didn't see that it was randomized no matter what. And to be honest I posted in somewhat of a rage when I had spent money on a failed experiment.

    You have put me at ease. I will resume hitting my screen without hesitation knowing now the flashing thing is just for show.
  • HeyoJayo
    HeyoJayo Posts: 75
    I've always wondered if there was a way to time the button press.

    Feels good to finally get the answer