Like Banging My Head Against a Wall

After over 500 days, I'm calling it. I've gone 1 of 63 for legendary token pulls. I had $200 in iTunes credit from the holidays all ready to spend on this game. I'd think I'd be a target a customer. I'm by no means a whale, but maybe a mini whale. There isn't anything to spend it on? I'm quitting with over 3000 HPs because there isn't anything to buy. Spending hours playing this game to get 1000 iso time after time just isn't fun. And shouldn't a game be fun?

The beginning of the end was luck based progression. I don't expect 1 out of 10 pulls, but after 63 pulls to only see one cover is just too much "bad luck" for me to keep at it. This game has a community that is far greater than the game! Best luck to everyone. May all your LT's be 5 stars!!


  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    Just curious what you mean when you say you only got one cover. Just one 5* or just one usable cover?
  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    Sutter28 wrote:
    After over 500 days, I'm calling it. I've gone 1 of 63 for legendary token pulls. I had $200 in iTunes credit from the holidays all ready to spend on this game. I'd think I'd be a target a customer. I'm by no means a whale, but maybe a mini whale. There isn't anything to spend it on? I'm quitting with over 3000 HPs because there isn't anything to buy. Spending hours playing this game to get 1000 iso time after time just isn't fun. And shouldn't a game be fun?

    The beginning of the end was luck based progression. I don't expect 1 out of 10 pulls, but after 63 pulls to only see one cover is just too much "bad luck" for me to keep at it. This game has a community that is far greater than the game! Best luck to everyone. May all your LT's be 5 stars!!

    I'm at day 826 and I don't have many 5*s, nor do I expect them to flow in quickly. I had a dry patch of tokens for 5*s to start with, but it is slowly evening itself out.

    I focus on maxing out my 4*s, with the new buffs they are very relevant so I am in no hurry to jump to 5*s. I find HP is much more fun to spend now. Once I save up enough HP I am always excited to use it on 40 packs in the 80 item vaults. Getting over half the vault is great odds of getting something you want, and a great deal for under 10k hp.
  • xidragonxi
    xidragonxi Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    Sutter28 wrote:
    After over 500 days, I'm calling it. I've gone 1 of 63 for legendary token pulls. I had $200 in iTunes credit from the holidays all ready to spend on this game. I'd think I'd be a target a customer. I'm by no means a whale, but maybe a mini whale. There isn't anything to spend it on? I'm quitting with over 3000 HPs because there isn't anything to buy. Spending hours playing this game to get 1000 iso time after time just isn't fun. And shouldn't a game be fun?

    The beginning of the end was luck based progression. I don't expect 1 out of 10 pulls, but after 63 pulls to only see one cover is just too much "bad luck" for me to keep at it. This game has a community that is far greater than the game! Best luck to everyone. May all your LT's be 5 stars!!

    We'll miss you, Sutter! Come back to Dormammu any time.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dauthi wrote:
    I focus on maxing out my 4*s, with the new buffs they are very relevant so I am in no hurry to jump to 5*s. I find HP is much more fun to spend now. Once I save up enough HP I am always excited to use it on 40 packs in the 80 item vaults. Getting over half the vault is great odds of getting something you want, and a great deal for under 10k hp.
    It's amazing how the devs can shift the goalposts about 6 miles, and people will still be excited over the new reality. I had 10k HP last week. Bought a 40pack from a vault that had two Gwens and a LT. Didn't get any of them. But up until recently, I could've took that 10k and bought 4 Gwen covers with it. So I'm going to have to disagree vehemently with anyone who thinks vaults are a great deal.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    It's amazing how the devs can shift the goalposts about 6 miles, and people will still be excited over the new reality. I had 10k HP last week. Bought a 40pack from a vault that had two Gwens and a LT. Didn't get any of them. But up until recently, I could've took that 10k and bought 4 Gwen covers with it. So I'm going to have to disagree vehemently with anyone who thinks vaults are a great deal.

    I won't disagree with you that the "old deal" was better, but given the status quo we live in now its the best deal still available to us, isn't it (assuming you need 2, or all 3, of the vault's 4*s)? Compared to the usual PVE tokens for a new 4* feature event - where the pack costs, I believe, 15,800HP and has like a 0.2% drop rate for the featured 4* - the 80-item vaults are a great deal.

    The shift in the purchasing power of HP has left some people with either; a big stash of HP, or has allowed them to start playing HP-positive. Given that, your options are to either:
    1 - keep holding onto your HP hoping they will restore your ability to directly buy covers someday, or
    2 - make the best of it and figure out which token pack represents your best chance to get covers you could actually use

    I'm going to lean in the direction of option #2. Option #1 might happen, but it has a better chance of seeing me quit with unspent HP; which would be a waste.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    This is why completely random distribution of top-tier rewards is terrible.

    A streakbreaker is NOT hard to implement or understand, but the developers insist on plugging their ears and going "la-la-la everything's fine, can't hear you"
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Raffoon wrote:
    This is why completely random distribution of top-tier rewards is terrible.

    A streakbreaker is NOT hard to implement or understand, but the developers insist on plugging their ears and going "la-la-la everything's fine, can't hear you"

    You would too if you had a handful of people throwing money at you by the truckload on an almost daily basis. If that stops, they might look into the mechanics and concede that something is amiss. But not before.
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    A +1 level button doesn't seem that difficult to implement either, but hold on I need to go hold the Level Up button down for 5 minutes to add 30 levels to icon_iceman.png
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    woopie wrote:
    A +1 level button doesn't seem that difficult to implement either, but hold on I need to go hold the Level Up button down for 5 minutes to add 30 levels

    You can hold the button down?!? On Steam, it "ends" every time you hit the next level - you have to click and hold down again for each level.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    woopie wrote:
    A +1 level button doesn't seem that difficult to implement either, but hold on I need to go hold the Level Up button down for 5 minutes to add 30 levels

    You can hold the button down?!? On Steam, it "ends" every time you hit the next level - you have to click and hold down again for each level.

    You have to do that on mobile too.
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    you got on 5*? That's amazing!

    I'm still at 0.... I seriously have not drawn a single 5* yet in over 50 LT's. It's been pretty horrible.