Crashing when starting a fight in ISO-8 Brotherhood sub

kaelad Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
I'm playing the ISO-8 Brotherhood sub event Rescue Mission: Russia and the game is crashing right after I start Rescue Mission: Russia IV. It loads the board and before I can make the first match it crashes. If it just happened once, I wouldn't report it, but it crashed last night after the sub started and it might have been the same node.

I'm playing on a Nexus 5x running Android 6.0.1.


  • Zikato
    Zikato Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    It happens to me also. I play on Samsung galaxy 4 up to date Android version. It's really random and it happens in PvE right after starting the node. Crash with no error message, it's really bad because I have to spend 3 health packs for nothing.