Leveling the account - collector and ISO reward system

veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
i would like to introduce this idea: Collector level.
This idea is simple- each maxed champion will add Collector levels to your account. Collector levels will provide passive ISO income on daily basis (you will get ISO along with daily chest reward.
Suggested formula:
One collector level per 2* maxed champion
Three collector levels per 3* maxed champion
Ten collector levels per 4* maxed champion
Twenty five collector levels per 5* maxed champion

Reward: 50 ISO (each day) per one collector level.

PS: Multiple champions of same Hero DO count toward Collector level

Positives of this idea: Keeping 2* champs will be profitable, Keeping duplicates will be profitable, More ISO we need desperately (but not drastically more), Spending HP for slots will be attractive even after getting all unique covers.

Negatives: Possible ballance issues for whales (but i dont think so, ISO invested in maxing a single champion will repay in YEARS*).

* According to http://marvelpuzzlequest.wikia.com/wiki/Iso-8
2* Champion will be fully repaid after cca 1500 days
3* after 850 days
4* after 760 days
5* after 450 days
Seems fair to me icon_e_smile.gif

Looking forward to your feedback icon_e_smile.gif
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