Vision Light Disruption... you broke it.

UncleSmed Posts: 75
So here I am playing against Moonstone in the current PvE, when lo she steals my Iron Fist passive attack tile..

Okay, no biggie.. I use Density: Light to get Disruption up to remove it for damage because "up to 2 enemy Attack, Strike etc tiles are removed"...
Only I get given the error message "Not enough tiles of the correct type exist to use this power.

Now I'm being punched in the face for 500 damage a turn because you failed English.
I am non-plussed, I don't know if it was working before, but this is some stupid tinykitty when you can get Bullseye working perfectly, yet have either broken Vision, or just never had his description written correctly in the first place.

Bloody annoyed.


  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    Light Disruption only converts strike and protect tiles, but not attack tiles. The in game description doesn't mention attack tiles. I made that mistake before too.