Worst ability in the game?

20three Posts: 371
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Too many factors to this even having a point, but regardless, what would you say is the absolute worst, most useless ability/attack in the game?

I'm sure I'm forgetting something that's blatantly the worst, or including something that will drive someone into a frenzy, apologies in advance.
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  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    From 4* land if it is not TaT Hulk hot dog stand I don't know what it would be. It is restrictive with needing such little blue on the board and it only fires if you just used Doom. Dooms black is so much better why would you ever fire Hot Dog stand other than to see the animations.
    From 3* land I will say doc Ocks green. It costs way too much and try's to do too much so it does not really do much of anything.
    From 2* land bullseye's murderous aim. It is actually a solid ability but cost so much that it is not worth it.
    1* All of Yelenas abilities. Let's face it she is the wimpy villain you get to beat up on as you learn the game. She is the Glass-Joe of MPQ
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* Green Goblin's Goblin Glider (only because it's the only move in the game that keeps ending up being a one time use for me.)
    4* Spider-Gwen's Kick out the Jams (stupid healing move that doesn't heal herself).
    3* She-Hulk's Settlement (inferior to Moonstone's Control Shift).
    2* Moonstone's Gravity Warp, though I could be swayed towards Bagman's Snarky Remark.
    1* Yelena's Leathal Recon is hands down the worse ability in the game.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hot Dog Stand was modified so that if fires more often. I don't expect anyone to know this, since you'd have to be nuts to be using him, but it's no longer the worst skill in the game.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    simonsez wrote:
    Hot Dog Stand was modified so that if fires more often. I don't expect anyone to know this, since you'd have to be nuts to be using him, but it's no longer the worst skill in the game.

    I'd have to argue this. Yes, it improved, but it's still the worst.
  • UncleSmed
    UncleSmed Posts: 75
    edited March 2016
    Well as of right now.. Vision's Solar Beam when you have Density: Light up has to be the WORST ability.. because it's broken.

    Straight up says "up to 2 enemy blah" and won't work with the one stolen Attack tile they control sitting there punching me for 500 in the face every round.

    Thanks D3.. you tinykitty broke a useless character and made him even more useless.

    Edit: Checked the ability again... it doesn't even wipe off Attack tiles.

    Thanks D3.. because this tiny kitty robot is so tinykitty tinykitty that it's tinykitty.
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    In terms of three stars, maybe it's because I have her underleveled but Squirrel Girl's yellow is up there for me. Putting out a wimpy protect tile is NOT worth giving up your turn. I was using her the other day on a weak node because she had the opposite colors of loaner Psylocke and I never once wanted to fire that yellow. I thought to myself "You know, I could see this being something that might actually be better if you did the same thing to the enemy: you get to end the enemy's turn in exchange for giving them some protect tiles" Not ideal, but that might be useful in a pinch. Giving up your turn (and the opportunity for a cascade, AP, and match damage) cannot possibly be worth it especially when the protect tile isn't even that strong and could easily be matched away.

    Lots of other character put out some sort of tile that could be matched away quickly, but she is the only one who punishes you by making you give up your turn. That's awful.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    bbf2 wrote:
    Lots of other character put out some sort of tile that could be matched away quickly, but she is the only one who punishes you by making you give up your turn. That's awful.
    Hood's Twin Pistols also ends your turn.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    Jam_Adams wrote:
    bbf2 wrote:
    Lots of other character put out some sort of tile that could be matched away quickly, but she is the only one who punishes you by making you give up your turn. That's awful.
    Hood's Twin Pistols also ends your turn.

    As does Sentry's Supernova and OML's Living Legend.
  • Ducky
    Ducky Posts: 2,255 Community Moderator
    I would argue that Sentinel of Liberty for both 2* and 3* Captain Americas is the worst ability in the game.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited March 2016
    DuckyV wrote:
    I would argue that Sentinel of Liberty for both 2* and 3* Captain Americas is the worst ability in the game.

    2*, sure.
    But 3* is nice in survival nodes. True, it's one of the least useful yellow moves, but if you have a team that doesn't really utilise yellow (I used to run Patch/Steve/Falcon for survival) then it's a nice defense boost when it arrives. I've had them take really heavy damaging moves and reduce the damage down drastically.

    You still wouldn't want to put 5 covers on it, but it's got its uses for long fights.

    I wanted to choose Switcheroo, but honestly Hot Dog Stand is just as useless as the environmental tiles it's named after. Typical that it's his move covered move for me.
    Might also add 3* and 1* Storm's yellow. Back when it was red it was one of the most over powered and useful abilities in the game depending on your location. I remember loving it on forest and desert maps because you'd just winfinite your way to victory. Once we got TUs it became all but worthless.

    Also want to add an honourable mention to GSBW's red. Forgetting the mediocre damage and the meh board shake...the animation isn't even good! She's stood there holding a pistol and firing several shots into the ground beside her.

    Bweilder's also a dumb one. Generally speaking the source of AP the enemy has the most of is going to be the one they're not using. Great if YOU can use it, but otherwise meh. Why it's not "Enemy's strongest colour" or even "The colour you have the least of" I don't know.

    Hex Bolt, another meh ability. Not useless, just...meh.
  • stowaway
    stowaway Posts: 501 Critical Contributor
    DuckyV wrote:
    I would argue that Sentinel of Liberty for both 2* and 3* Captain Americas is the worst ability in the game.

    I still think Hot Dog Stand is the worst (and I'm in the group who didn't realize it had been changed; I went back and looked an the new version and laughed). But Cap's yellow is definitely worse than Squirrel Girl's yellow. Ending the turn at 9 AP is preferable to having to collect 10 more AP to achieve a slightly better result.
  • bbf2
    bbf2 Posts: 109 Tile Toppler
    DuckyV wrote:
    Jam_Adams wrote:
    bbf2 wrote:
    Lots of other character put out some sort of tile that could be matched away quickly, but she is the only one who punishes you by making you give up your turn. That's awful.
    Hood's Twin Pistols also ends your turn.

    As does Sentry's Supernova and OML's Living Legend.

    I knew that there were other abilities that end the turn, I meant to say that she was the only one that puts easily matched-away tiles and then ends the turn.
    (Although I guess technically OML does as well, but those strike tiles are super strong and the ability also shifts his powers.)

    Those other ones at least shake up the board and deal damage.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hex Bolt, another meh ability. Not useless, just...meh.

    Hex Bolt always makes me sad, as it was awesome before they "fixed" it. Remember when it generated double AP? Sure, it was a bug, but it was a bug that made her far more interesting and potentially more than just a battery. It made a 3/5/5 Witch build a viable option.
  • Forbush
    Forbush Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    I almost never use Steve's Sentinel for the protect tiles - it's one of the few abilities that let you pick more than two tiles to place, so I use it pretty much exclusively for board control. AP denial, AI bait, matching enemy special tiles, next-turn setup, even just a free match and maybe even a cascade, if you plan right and you're lucky - since it's so expensive, when you can afford it it's already late in a prolonged battle, it's surprisingly useful. I suspect the REAL, intended use of Sentinel is actually to prevent the AI from matching your precious red and blue countdown tiles.
  • GMadMan040
    GMadMan040 Posts: 207
    DuckyV wrote:
    Jam_Adams wrote:
    bbf2 wrote:
    Lots of other character put out some sort of tile that could be matched away quickly, but she is the only one who punishes you by making you give up your turn. That's awful.
    Hood's Twin Pistols also ends your turn.

    As does Sentry's Supernova and OML's Living Legend.

    Strategically, ending the turn without having to make a move on the board can be VERY beneficial.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I know that, oh....like....a gazillion times I have come across a situation where I wish there was a "skip turn" button, because whatever the next move will be after I make the single TU tile match (that is the only thing on the board at that moment) will be of great benefit to my opponent.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have two candidates, both of them for the same character, the 6* Dev.

    1. Nerfing
    2. Ultra-high-frequency releases
  • Fratriarch
    Fratriarch Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    bbf2 wrote:
    Giving up your turn (and the opportunity for a cascade, AP, and match damage) cannot possibly be worth it especially when the protect tile isn't even that strong and could easily be matched away.

    My level 132 squirrel girl (4/5/4) puts out 3 protect.png of 78/153. Total 459
    At 5 it would give 4 protect.png at 85/169, for a total of up to 676 in exchange for 9 yellow and a single turn. Total 676

    For comparison, a maxed sentinel of liberty gives (3cap at 5, 166, 4 protect.png of 339) for more than twice the cost. total 1356 (2*678)
    Giving a turn for that seems reasonable enough to me.

    EDIT: maxed magneto gives 9 tiles of 53. Total 477
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Black Panther could be my only blue outlet on my team and I still won't fire off his blue ability if I somehow get the AP for it. A countdown that produces a bad protect tile every 2 turns? No thanks. His other 2 abilities are so good that this one is terrible to balance him out, I guess.
  • MaxxPowerz
    MaxxPowerz Posts: 276 Mover and Shaker
    Can I pick all of Mr. Fantastic's abilities? Sure, there are examples of a character who has one or two completely useless abilities, but Mr. Fantastic takes the cake. Especially his blue ability, which should be his signature skill. Way too expensive and virtually useless. He should at least make a countdown tile that re-stuns a target. The only time I can really justify using Mr. Fantastic is when Carnage is boosted, and even then he isn't very useful. That should never be the case with a 4 star, I can even justify using Cho on certain occasions. Hell, even IW is a better support character.
  • 20three
    20three Posts: 371
    Forgot to add Inferno

    Utter garbage

    1) Costs way too much for pathetic output

    2) Drains 3 colors by 30%

    3) Shows up in a stupid pattern and does not overwrite team-ups or other tiles, usually resulting in about 4 or 5 getting through that will quickly be matched (one match can take out multiple)