Suggestion for Deadpool's Daily

Flax22 Posts: 18 Just Dropped In

I love to do the Deadpool's Daily

But i find one Thing didn't work so good... It's the Titans Clash (i don't now if the Name is correct... i use the French Version of the game)

The target of Deadpool daily is to give Chance to have better cover... for the 3 Stars cover it's perfect...

But for the 4* Stars cover....

We should have Reverse Power or something in that way.... I have often only one cover or 2-3 to fight and it's impossible... With Kingpin 7 cover and lvl 135 no way to win...

If the target is to give more 4 stars cover to the better Player it work perfectly... but it is not These Player how needed the more 4* cover....

Give a Chance to low 4* Level Player to win more cover...