Praise for customer service

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited March 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I didn't know quite where to put this thread so if a mod wants to move it that's fine.

Recently I experienced a tech error with my game which for some reason or another erased my recently earned tokens from real steel and an IW cover I had drawn.

Angry about this I did what I was supposed to and submitted a ticket to CS expecting to get a polite finger and a **** story about this being an issue at my end and blah blah blah.

However... I submitted a ticket Sunday evening. By Monday evening (UK time) I had been contacted for further info, which I did. This morning they told me they were escalating the issue and by this evening I had been given my missing goodies and been left a very happy customer. Considering how often they get bad reviews on this forum I felt it was fair to give my experience and I also believe in credit where due.

Very speedy resolution with good contact all the way through and far exceeded my expectations. Well done d3 customer service team!


  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Im glad to hear positive stories. Seems like there have been some recently, which is nice.

    On the other hand....I pointed out a bug/flaw with the game (possibly exploitable) and was told it was "working as intended" and that they wouldnt compensate me....not that Id asked. So they still do give the finger.
  • Punatulkku
    Punatulkku Posts: 228
    Praise the Sun!
  • Marine8394
    Marine8394 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    I have had to deal with CS four times. And they have always been great. Even the time I lost a roster, they bent over backwards to try and get it back, to no avail, but it was more this end than theirs. Mostly I believe the complaints are at times wants more than true loss. Are there times when things happen? Hell yup. I know from experience. Great post. You are right, they deserve more than they get.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    My dealings have been positive too.

    First time I asked them about something, I can't remember what it was, something broke somehow, I got the problem sorted plus a heroic token and some ISO. The heroic token got me a Spider Man purple back when I was still trying to build a 2* roster. I know they can't fudge it for that to happen, but it was nice all the same =)
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good thread. We players, (myself included ), don't always show our appreciation. So it's good to say thank you every so often.
    CS gets blasted on here sometimes and I can only imagine some of the rude and inappropriate tickets they get from angry customers. Personally, every time I've ever had to deal with CS, they were polite, professional, and very helpful. Everytime I had a problem or request, they handled it within a day or two resolving the matter. I've never had a negative experience with them. That could of course be because I always try to be polite and say please and thank you. Growing up, my mother was always telling me that common courtesy is something that costs nothing to give, but can get you just about anything in return.

    So to CS: thank you for all of the assistance.

    I know it's a bit off topic, but I'd also like to give a shout out to David Hi-Fi. He does a lot for the players and occasionally has to deal with situations where people get angry with the messenger. Yet he is still willing help players not just here on the forum, but with problems with their accounts or expediting CS tickets. He provides upcoming info and communication when he can.

    So to Hi-Fi : thank you for all your hard work, assistance and keeping the forum running.

  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's the secret to having a good CS experience.
    1. Be patient. They're low paid, busy, and take a lot of **** from people that are really horrible to them for no reason. If they misunderstand your request, respond and clarify it in simple terms.
    2. Observe Wheaton's Law. How you treat them is directly related to how they treat you.
    3. Be reasonable. Don't demand a 5* cover for your missing heroic token. My rule of thumb is to ask for what I was missing, only ask for more than that if the issue is actually impacting my ability to play the game, and don't ask for too much when asking for more.
    4. Observe Wheaton's Law. Really. This is worth mentioning twice. Otherwise you'll end up never getting a response from them about anything.
    5. Thank them. Every CS interaction has an associated survey that's sent out to you after. If they fixed your issue, give them a positive review. If they didn't get it completely right at first, but did in the end, give them a positive review and mention how they could do better.
    Remember that CS are people too. They're just doing their jobs and they likely have very little say in what they can and can't do for you. They also keep a record of all of your interactions with them. So it's likely that if you're regularly good to them they'll be regularly good to you.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Chiming in as well. I've had two issues over the years with bugs and a mistaken purchase on my end. Both were resolved politely and reasonably quickly. They do a great job!
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    ........not sure why doing what's in your actual job description and NOT being completely clueless as to what a customer is talking about needs congratulations or its own thread, but is indeed quite pleasant to hear that they DO sometimes perform the way they are supposed to.

  • Huatimus
    Huatimus Posts: 115
    I've contacted CS twice so far and both times have been resolved reasonably and timely. Usually people only take the effort to complain but few would bother to compliment. Just wanted to chime in so that the general audience don't only see the negative reviews that other people had of their CS encounters.
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't get past the fact that you were angry you'd lost an IW cover.
  • jimstarooney
    jimstarooney Posts: 576 Critical Contributor
    I have never had a problem with customer service too,in fact i think very highly of it.a case in point,when carnage was first put as a 1k reward i accidentally sold him.i informed cs about this,woke up the next morning to discover cs had sent me a present.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have never had a problem with customer service too,in fact i think very highly of it.a case in point,when carnage was first put as a 1k reward i accidentally sold him.i informed cs about this,woke up the next morning to discover cs had sent me a present.
    I have had the same experience not too long ago. They did Point out that they normally don't do that though, presumably to not be flooded with requests.
  • Monged4life
    Monged4life Posts: 420
    MarvelMan wrote:
    Im glad to hear positive stories. Seems like there have been some recently, which is nice.

    On the other hand....I pointed out a bug/flaw with the game (possibly exploitable) and was told it was "working as intended" and that they wouldnt compensate me....not that Id asked. So they still do give the finger.

    If its working as intended, then it cant hurt to talk about it. What was the bug?
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    I can't get past the fact that you were angry you'd lost an IW cover.

    That tells you how reasonable I am that I could've demanded the 20cp back but said I'd be happy to just be back in the same position I was before the crash.

    Tlc while you're right in saying that they're just doing their job doesn't mean you can't show appreciation , if a fireman puts out your house when it's on fire do you thank him or just tell him that's it's part of his job and he doesn't deserve a thanks ?
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Remember that CS are people too. They're just doing their jobs and they likely have very little say in what they can and can't do for you. They also keep a record of all of your interactions with them. So it's likely that if you're regularly good to them they'll be regularly good to you.

    As someone who works in customer service, it amazes me when people think "You know, if I go in shouting and yelling and demanding, he'll want to bend over backwards to help me!"
    When the reality is i'll do just enough to get you out of my sight ASAP. Bad customer service? Possibly. But why should a business reward bad behaviour? You wouldn't tollerate it from your kids and if someone's going to throw a temper tantrum and demand everything be their own way, how else are we meant to treat them?

    The people who come in politely and ask for my assistence and have a hopeful air to their voice who just really want things to be made better...THOSE are the people I bend over backwards for. Because they'll probably say "Thank you!" at the end and make me feel all fuzzy, allowing me to momentarily remember I actually don't hate the entirety of humanity.

    So I absolutely agree. Going in spitting and swearing is just going to make the CS team roll their eyes, possibly pass your e-mail around, and then do just enough to make you go away. Because you're not worth the premature aging they'd recieve if they indulged your anger.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    Remember that CS are people too. They're just doing their jobs and they likely have very little say in what they can and can't do for you. They also keep a record of all of your interactions with them. So it's likely that if you're regularly good to them they'll be regularly good to you.

    As someone who works in customer service, it amazes me when people think "You know, if I go in shouting and yelling and demanding, he'll want to bend over backwards to help me!"
    When the reality is i'll do just enough to get you out of my sight ASAP. Bad customer service? Possibly. But why should a business reward bad behaviour? You wouldn't tollerate it from your kids and if someone's going to throw a temper tantrum and demand everything be their own way, how else are we meant to treat them?

    The problem is that a lot of companies will bend over backward for those people. I used to work at a pretty well-known clothing retailer and they would do literally anything if a customer made enough of a scene, including taking returns for items they didn't even sell.

    So if they're being tinykittybags, it's probably because it has worked before.
  • prancerosner
    prancerosner Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Customer service has been very helpful to me, no problems at all.

    I agree with the suggestions here about being respectful and reasonable. Based on my experiences on both sides of this kind of interaction, that's a more productive approach.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    I can't get past the fact that you were angry you'd lost an IW cover.
    dude, I need 1K iso any way I can get it!
    ...when carnage was first put as a 1k reward i accidentally sold him.i informed cs about this,woke up the next morning to discover cs had sent me a present.
    exact same thing happened to me recently with spidergwen - gotta be more careful with that 'sell all' button. would be nice to have a 'sell all 1s and 2s' button.
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    I've had a few run-ins with CS over the past two years. Usually it's not anything major, and I've definitely received my share of compensation from the Ultron/Galactus issues, etc..., and I sometimes just give up when they start asking a ton of clarifying questions because it's not worth it, but during the most recent Krakadoom event, I had got to just under 1K and then I made a push to get the 1K progression prize (Y 4hor). I had some app issues back to back that caused me to miss placement and the 1K reward (I also spent 200 hp in the process to buy health packs).

    "I had 960 points and queued up a 40+ battle. I started the battle and the app crashed. I reloaded, healed my characters and chose a 74 point battle (because I lost health and points due to crash). I started that battle and it crashed again. I reloaded the app, loaded up another 75 point battle, healed (had to buy 200hp worth of health packs) and started the battle. This time the battle started (but I lost). I also now lost points due to being unshielded too long. I have now shielded in the 800s but because of the 2 app crashes, I'm out 200 HP and a Yellow 4* Thor 1k progression award. Could you please compensate me for this issue?"

    After their template answer about anti-cheat measure when the game shuts down unexpectedly (lost health, lost boosts, etc...) we finally started getting somewhere. After about a week of back-and-forth emails with them, they escalated my issue and finally awarded me the Y 4hor cover (but did not compensate me for the 200 hp I used in my desperate attempt to recoup the points I lost due to their app crashing).

    My interactions with CS have been mostly good but sometimes infuriatingly long. They are a sight better than CS interactions I've had with other companies (looking at you Toys R Us and Google).
  • Virus_Type_V
    Virus_Type_V Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    I experienced the exact same corruption/error...

    CS managed to get everything back from Reel steel.. but I lost everything for the second day of Lady be luck and first few hours of Seed of Destruction and they refused to give those rewards.

    ...and I provided them a screenshot.

    ...and then they turn to point to my connection as the possible fault - when I was home all Sunday playing on a strong wifi signal. So, that left a bad taste in my mouth.