Extra-long wave battles (Endless? 100?)

Pogo Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
(No, it's not this other wave battle suggestion, but there is definitely potential for them to be used in conjunction, at least in PVE)

Basically, the addition of PVE wave battles that begin based on player scaling, but gradually increase in difficulty, generating somewhat randomly, awarding prizes for each wave, but never actually "ending" until the player team is overwhelmed.

Considerations would have to be made to make sure that there's enough variety in the enemies to prevent waves from becoming nonstop AP farms or stunlock-fests, or at least to make sure that it couldn't happen consistently enough to be horribly abused.

Rewards would be tricky, as they could only be awarded on a per-wave completion basis. Without a clearly-defined ending, it's tough to establish which milestones would warrant a non-trivial prize.

To piggyback on this, it'd be cool if additional boosts and teamups could be redeemed every-so-many waves.
For example: You make your initial choices, and after every 5 waves, any damage boosts wear off & you can choose new ones or replace spent teamups, etc.

I definitely wouldn't want this to be a node within an event chapter, it would pretty much need to be a standalone feature, similar to DDQ. Maybe changing weekly?

If being "endless" doesn't provide sufficient novelty or opens itself too much for abuse, setting a wave cap of 100 would allow both for sufficient variety, very high goal posts, and clearly-defined milestones (and, by extension, one big prize).


  • bpcontra
    bpcontra Posts: 176
    Why not make it a once weekly event in DDQ and you are forced to use Deadpool. If you don't have him, you get the stock lvl 40 deadpool with 1 cover in each color.

    Once your team is defeated, the node locks until next week. You could make it 80 levels and have an 80 token standard vault, just with more iso rather than covers
  • Pogo
    Pogo Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    bpcontra wrote:
    Once your team is defeated, the node locks until next week. You could make it 80 levels and have an 80 token standard vault, just with more iso rather than covers
    If you mean 80 vault items and 1 token for every wave, that would get messy. It would feel great to earn a big stack of vault tokens and spam them all at once, but if you beat the final wave and you were guaranteed every prize in the vault, it would be a chore to sit and cash them all in one at a time, not to mention taking away all the mystery and suspense.

    2 ideas to make this more workable and seem more fair:

    A: Give out a token at waves 10/20/30/40/50, then every 5 waves after that. That would give 11 tokens at wave 80 (or 15 at 100), or maybe more if the last couple rewards gave x2 tokens. This would need a big (probably 300-item) vault, assuming the tokens could roll over.

    B (more complicated/harder to implement): Give tokens out for every wave, but the first 30 or so tokens go to a vault with more common prizes, then another vault for better stuff, another for late waves with more rare stuff, and one final vault that only takes the token you get for beating the final wave. In this setup, because the quality of prizes scales up with the various vaults, the tokens wouldn't roll over. Give players a week to open their old tokens in their old vaults.

    Instead of locking the event after a failure, why not let players burn some health packs and try again or put a different team together? Especially since the waves wouldn't be all goons, and some combinations might catch you by surprise (not to mention good old-fashioned RNG). I would say let players retry (even after a successful run), but any already-awarded tokens would be replaced by ISO, and more tokens wouldn't come until you caught back up to where you were before you lost.
    bpcontra wrote:
    Why not make it a once weekly event in DDQ and you are forced to use Deadpool. If you don't have him, you get the stock lvl 40 deadpool with 1 cover in each color.
    I think making it part of DDQ might be confusing, if it has no connection to regular DDQ vaults.

    Initially I was against having a required character, but now that I think about it, this could be a good excuse to have more inclusion of 4-star characters. Rotate through a required (+loaner) 4-star character each cycle, and find a way to work at least one 4-star cover for that character into the prize pool. Hopefully the late waves would be tough enough that a lv70 1/1/1 loaner wouldn't be easy going, and I'd hope that an underleveled roster wouldn't be able to capitalize on the loaner being comparatively OP and subverting scaling. With this in mind, I could understand forgoing the essential/loaner, though it seems like a lost opportunity.