Botting on ladder play?

What is the consensus on what is humanly reasonable in terms of ladder point accumulation? For reference, I've got a level 50 white deck that's pretty tight. I can win a match in about 3-5 minutes for 5 points which comes up to 60-100 points per hour if I win every game and play without a break. This morning I notice that the leader in my bracket was sitting at around 530ish points. Same person, about 6-7 hours later is at 1100+ points. That seems like an insane play/win rate to me. Am I smokin tha crack here or does this smell like a bot at work?


  • I've had my suspicions too, but I don't have any data to back it up.
  • Irving
    Irving Posts: 95
    There's still a mismatch bug - when I play as L.50 Nissa (and only Nissa), probably 75% of the opponents are very low level (1-7) with intro cards. Turn 2 and 3 wins are not the rule, but not terribly uncommon either. If somebody with that bug were really dedicated to farming, I could see even more than 100 points per hour.
  • Slyli
    Slyli Posts: 15
    Irving wrote:
    There's still a mismatch bug - when I play as L.50 Nissa (and only Nissa), probably 75% of the opponents are very low level (1-7) with intro cards. Turn 2 and 3 wins are not the rule, but not terribly uncommon either. If somebody with that bug were really dedicated to farming, I could see even more than 100 points per hour.

    I face the same thing. I have a Chandra at level 50 which was achieved before the latest update. Using Chandra, I get matched most of the time against very low level opponents. My Jace achieved level 50 on 1.3.1 update and most of the time I get matched against max or almost maxed opponents. It is possible to win a game with a good red deck against 22-34 HP opponents in 2 minutes. But I agree, sustained PvP wins at that rate seems fishy.
  • Slyli wrote:
    Irving wrote:
    There's still a mismatch bug - when I play as L.50 Nissa (and only Nissa), probably 75% of the opponents are very low level (1-7) with intro cards. Turn 2 and 3 wins are not the rule, but not terribly uncommon either. If somebody with that bug were really dedicated to farming, I could see even more than 100 points per hour.

    I face the same thing. I have a Chandra at level 50 which was achieved before the latest update. Using Chandra, I get matched most of the time against very low level opponents. My Jace achieved level 50 on 1.3.1 update and most of the time I get matched against max or almost maxed opponents. It is possible to win a game with a good red deck against 22-34 HP opponents in 2 minutes. But I agree, sustained PvP wins at that rate seems fishy.

    This is a huge issue, then. That means certain people have an extreme advantage because of the level disparity. I mean, if that were to happen for everyone it wouldn't be so bad, but the fact that it occurs under set conditions that are out of the player's control is egregious.
  • Slyli wrote:
    It is possible to win a game with a good red deck against 22-34 HP opponents in 2 minutes.

    That's kind of sad. With a lot of luck I can win a normal game with white or green level 50 in about the same time.

    I heard of this bug shortly after 1.31 and thought it got fixed somehow because I never ran into low level myself. But it now seems it only happens to those who have had a level 50 pw pre 1.31

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to think really hard how I can optimize my decks in order to being able to compete with guys who use this bug. But now pls fix it.
  • I just had this happen again. Had a few players join ladder and one get 200 points in three hours and a few around 160. That's at least 40 matches in 3 hours. That's 3-4 mins a match nonstop and never losing. I never get easy wins unless it's the first match or two after I join the ladder. So these people are getting better cards and packs in rewards and not having to work hard for them and here the rest of us our busting butts and working harder than them for smaller rewards and not getting to advance our decks as fast. Grrrr all the missed packs and cards. I knew those points were impossible. I have quit and want to quit every time i see those points jump like that because its unattainable for those of us not glitching.
    EDUSAN Posts: 197 Tile Toppler
    i've had my doubts too.

    some people seem to play WAY too much. Not saying its not possible. I guess that if you want to be a PRO MGTPQ player and play 8hs a day you can get that many ribbons for each ladder

    still, sounds pretty improbable

    btw, you can play with android emulators on pc, people getting so many ribbons must be playing on pc, tahts what i think at least (too bad i could never get it working)
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    Multiple devices?
  • Give me Animist awakening and I show you 100 points an hour. But yeah not being able to get rank 1 because of a bug sucks.

    It's just not acceptable that this is still not fixed. Some people get 3 mythics a week because of that. And I don't even blame the players.
  • Slyli
    Slyli Posts: 15
    So, can those players that have had a level 50 PW before 1.3.1 verify that they are getting matched with low level PWs in PvP?

    That might help the devs pinpoint the issue and correct this asap.

    I have a suspicion that this might affect PWs at any level, as long as their level has not been increased since 1.3.0. I can't check it though, as all my PWs < lvl 50 have been leveled a bit after 1.3.1.
  • soultwist
    soultwist Posts: 329 Mover and Shaker
    I had Nissa and Liliana at 50 pre patch. In about my 3rd contest with Nissa I was matched against a level 1 player. When I won it would not let me collect the rewards and I have not played against a level one since that time. It MIGHT have been during the time period before they did the second patch, but I do not know for sure.

    I have played a ton with Nissa since then. I have played less with Liliana but have not seen this.
  • ChrisTot
    ChrisTot Posts: 167
    I've achieved 1006 points on a weekend without facing against a single low level opponent. Just didn't have a lot going on that weekend and was able to constantly multitask playing and watching tv etc. The game's not that hard.

    The guy in second place was also right behind me too, so these high points totals are definitely achievable. How much people are willing to play is always going to be dependent on when the 2-6 people are willing to give up, imo.
  • Irving
    Irving Posts: 95
    Slyli wrote:
    So, can those players that have had a level 50 PW before 1.3.1 verify that they are getting matched with low level PWs in PvP?

    That might help the devs pinpoint the issue and correct this asap.

    I have a suspicion that this might affect PWs at any level, as long as their level has not been increased since 1.3.0. I can't check it though, as all my PWs < lvl 50 have been leveled a bit after 1.3.1.

    I can confirm that it only happens for me with Nissa, who was my only PW at L.50 before 1.3.1. I've increased all the others since then, so I can't help with your other suspicion either.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    The low level bug is probably a factor, but even the OP admits getting 100 points / hr, and then says after 6-7 hours someone got around 600 points. That's around 100 points / hour. Sounds like they just played a lot - constantly. As for winning - as someone said, winning isn't the hard part.

    Don't underestimate the fact that people who play a lot also place well a lot which helps them get better cards which helps them win more quickly, etc. etc. That's the nature of any PvP game.

    But so far all these sorts of things sound well within the realm of possibility, without cheating. People played MPQ amounts that would make your mouth hit the floor. Like, 16+ hours a day. Other games are similar. Sometimes you just get that one guy who decides, thanks to their job/living situation or whatever, they're just going to go all out. And then they play 18 hrs / day for 3 months. It happens.

    If someone gets 150 points an hour, I'd believe it. Anything higher than 200/hr and I'd think it was an exploit, but one game every 2 minutes? I bet someone can already do that.
  • OhanaUnited
    OhanaUnited Posts: 85 Match Maker
    They could be parking lot attendant or office tower security guard. They pretty much sit there 12 hours a day not doing anything other than on the phone (that's if their phone doesn't run out of juice).

    Don't forget that facing blue decks take a lot more time than facing other decks. And you usually don't come out with full health after playing against red decks unless you have lifelink.
  • "If I play QB with my Lvl 50 Chandra my opponent is always below level 5. Still."

    That's what someone just said in general discussion.

    I never said that all people who make quick points don't earn them. I myself am always place 2-6, when I'm mot shooting 60 crystals on the weekend.

    But it's just unfair that there are people, who don't have to bring that kind of effort then others do and who you can't beat for rank 1 if they bring the same amount of effort just because of a bug.
  • Hibernum_Marie said in the General discussion part of the forum in the thread "hi devs, what's new?", that players who experience this should please pm her their UID.
  • Nerimos wrote:
    Hibernum_Marie said in the General discussion part of the forum in the thread "hi devs, what's new?", that players who experience this should please pm her their UID.

    That is correct. I know it's tempting not to report it but if this leads to another, more game breaking bug, because we tried to fix it for everyone else, you wouldn't want to be the one caught in it, right? icon_e_wink.gif

    So please send me your UID if you are affected by this issue (either you are lvl 1 and matched with high levels or vice verca).

    Thank you.
  • Slyli
    Slyli Posts: 15
    Pm sent. I don't like glitches that result in an unfair advantage.
  • Irving
    Irving Posts: 95
    Nerimos wrote:
    Hibernum_Marie said in the General discussion part of the forum in the thread "hi devs, what's new?", that players who experience this should please pm her their UID.

    That is correct. I know it's tempting not to report it but if this leads to another, more game breaking bug, because we tried to fix it for everyone else, you wouldn't want to be the one caught in it, right? icon_e_wink.gif

    So please send me your UID if you are affected by this issue (either you are lvl 1 and matched with high levels or vice verca).

    Thank you.

    This sounds like you're only intending to fix it for people who read this board and speak up. That can't be right, can it? I hope it's that you need information from people it's happening to in order to fix it for everyone.

    (PM sent, in good faith.)