Shield Comms Error Steal

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
For the past two days when I have played, immediately following a match I get the Comms error screen which then force closes my game. This in itself is not a massive issue, however... it also stole all my CP and my recently drawn tokens and covers (15CP and IW Yellow, +2 event tokens from recent Real Steel PVP) I'm pretty mad about this since my alliance had a recent CP rain and the game stole all of it due to this issue.

It's also not the first time this has happened, in the past it stole a hulk cover from me but I let it go since I didn't need the cover.

I'm on a samsung galaxy tab 10.1 2014 edition running most up to date android available on that device.

Could we get a red name to comment on this please?

I have already created a ticket for this.