Question About Sandboxxed Accounts

Hunter328 Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
edited April 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Is there a large number of Sandboxxed players out there who play? And, besides just being grouped with other sandbox players, are all the other elements of the game available to them?


  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's no real way of knowing how many sandboxed accounts exist and how many of them are active. That said, if you are sandboxed you can expect the following:

    1) The game appears exactly the same as it does when you are not sandboxed.
    2) You cannot join an alliance.
    3) You can play all events normally.
    4) In PVP if you hit someone they don't see it and it does not change their score even if they are unshielded.
    5) In PVP and PVE you appear on leaderboards, but only for yourself. Nobody else can see your score and your placement doesn't actually impact anyone else.
    6) You still get all rewards for your placement.

    If you need me to clarify I can; just ask.
  • Monged4life
    Monged4life Posts: 420
    There's no real way of knowing how many sandboxed accounts exist and how many of them are active. That said, if you are sandboxed you can expect the following:

    1) The game appears exactly the same as it does when you are not sandboxed.
    2) You cannot join an alliance.
    3) You can play all events normally.
    4) In PVP if you hit someone they don't see it and it does not change their score even if they are unshielded.
    5) In PVP and PVE you appear on leaderboards, but only for yourself. Nobody else can see your score and your placement doesn't actually impact anyone else.
    6) You still get all rewards for your placement.

    If you need me to clarify I can; just ask.

    I still think I'd rather have that the normal game... it's a shame they won't sandbox you unless you cheat, even if you beg...
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's no real way of knowing how many sandboxed accounts exist and how many of them are active. That said, if you are sandboxed you can expect the following:

    1) The game appears exactly the same as it does when you are not sandboxed.
    2) You cannot join an alliance.
    3) You can play all events normally.
    4) In PVP if you hit someone they don't see it and it does not change their score even if they are unshielded.
    5) In PVP and PVE you appear on leaderboards, but only for yourself. Nobody else can see your score and your placement doesn't actually impact anyone else.
    6) You still get all rewards for your placement.

    If you need me to clarify I can; just ask.

    I still think I'd rather have that the normal game... it's a shame they won't sandbox you unless you cheat, even if you beg...
    The best part of MPQ is what happens on Line.
  • Monged4life
    Monged4life Posts: 420
    I wouldn't know... still waiting for someone to explain how it all works.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Correction to the above post. You CANNOT play all PvE regularly if you are sandboxed. Since you are not allowed in even a one person alliance, you cannot play Ultron/Galactus or any other future alliance based events. You also do not see other sandboxed players since they would be invisible to you just like you are invisible to others.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    The best part of MPQ is what happens on Line.
    notamutant wrote:
    Correction to the above post. You CANNOT play all PvE regularly if you are sandboxed. Since you are not allowed in even a one person alliance, you cannot play Ultron/Galactus or any other future alliance based events. You also do not see other sandboxed players since they would be invisible to you just like you are invisible to others.

    So as long as you don't care about Ultron and Galactus, is there any reason not to want to be sandboxed and just play normally? I mean... not being retaliated against in PvP is basically guaranteed progress every few days unless you're already a full 4* player.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    The best part of MPQ is what happens on Line.
    notamutant wrote:
    Correction to the above post. You CANNOT play all PvE regularly if you are sandboxed. Since you are not allowed in even a one person alliance, you cannot play Ultron/Galactus or any other future alliance based events. You also do not see other sandboxed players since they would be invisible to you just like you are invisible to others.

    So as long as you don't care about Ultron and Galactus, is there any reason not to want to be sandboxed and just play normally? I mean... not being retaliated against in PvP is basically guaranteed progress every few days unless you're already a full 4* player.

    Why are you talking about progress with regards to being sandboxed? That is like talking about how you are going to make a million dollars when you have 100 million in investments, i.e. progress is meaningless when you are in a cheating/fake environment with no competition. You only get sandboxed for cheating, so if you are cheating, you already are giving yourself HP and ISO and CP. It is like saying you will take only one instead of two performance enhancing drugs for athletics so you can still feel some progress if you only cheat to get sandboxed and then play normal.
  • XandorXerxes
    XandorXerxes Posts: 340 Mover and Shaker
    notamutant wrote:
    The best part of MPQ is what happens on Line.
    notamutant wrote:
    Correction to the above post. You CANNOT play all PvE regularly if you are sandboxed. Since you are not allowed in even a one person alliance, you cannot play Ultron/Galactus or any other future alliance based events. You also do not see other sandboxed players since they would be invisible to you just like you are invisible to others.

    So as long as you don't care about Ultron and Galactus, is there any reason not to want to be sandboxed and just play normally? I mean... not being retaliated against in PvP is basically guaranteed progress every few days unless you're already a full 4* player.

    Why are you talking about progress with regards to being sandboxed? That is like talking about how you are going to make a million dollars when you have 100 million in investments, i.e. progress is meaningless when you are in a cheating/fake environment with no competition. You only get sandboxed for cheating, so if you are cheating, you already are giving yourself HP and ISO and CP. It is like saying you will take only one instead of two performance enhancing drugs for athletics so you can still feel some progress if you only cheat to get sandboxed and then play normal.

    That's a false dichotomy. I can "cheat" by giving myself 50 HP, or I can try to convince customer service that requiring me to break into their game to get the mode I want is logically crazy.

    Even if I "cheated" by giving myself 1,000,000,000 HP and got sandboxed, I don't ever have to use the HP I gave myself. I can still just play off the HP I "earn," even though now HP wouldn't actually do anything for me (give me unlimited roster slots I guess... wait that's a good thing too).

    I don't have to give myself unlimited ISO, HP, and every cover just because I had to "cheat" to get into the sandbox.
  • Monged4life
    Monged4life Posts: 420
    Shame I don't know how to cheat on this icon_e_smile.gif not for lack of googling...
  • DC1972
    DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
    Finally went to becoming a casual player and then my account gets hacked and subsequently sandboxed. Sent a ticket to CS to ask that the account be rolled back to the last time I synced the account to my Facebook and that it should not be syncing to any other Facebook account or e-mail address. After three days they sent a response that account security is the responsibility of the user and that the account would remain sandboxed. Since I was casual anyway this may actually turn out better for me since I can have fun matching three and getting covers without all the downside of normal PVP although I will miss helping out my alliance.

    Its just interesting how CS has missed another opportunity to actually provide customer service. Although I wasn't a whale by any means, I did spend occasionally, especially when there were sales. If I was un-sandboxed, I probably would end up spending again in the future. Also, although I don't have any concrete evidence, I am sure that they have let people out of the sandbox and rolled back accounts. What happened to everyone caught up in the cover hack scandal? Just another example of inconsistent treatment of the player base. An actual loyal player remains sandboxed but actual cheats can get out. Oh wait, real life is like that also.

    Thanks to D3 for saving me money and thanks to the hacker for the HP. Going to go build sandcastles.
  • KingDreadnaught
    KingDreadnaught Posts: 92 Match Maker
    I'm just here because I see Jamie replied and wondering if people still request D3 to sandbox me... icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    notamutant wrote:
    The best part of MPQ is what happens on Line.
    notamutant wrote:
    Correction to the above post. You CANNOT play all PvE regularly if you are sandboxed. Since you are not allowed in even a one person alliance, you cannot play Ultron/Galactus or any other future alliance based events. You also do not see other sandboxed players since they would be invisible to you just like you are invisible to others.

    So as long as you don't care about Ultron and Galactus, is there any reason not to want to be sandboxed and just play normally? I mean... not being retaliated against in PvP is basically guaranteed progress every few days unless you're already a full 4* player.

    Why are you talking about progress with regards to being sandboxed? That is like talking about how you are going to make a million dollars when you have 100 million in investments, i.e. progress is meaningless when you are in a cheating/fake environment with no competition. You only get sandboxed for cheating, so if you are cheating, you already are giving yourself HP and ISO and CP. It is like saying you will take only one instead of two performance enhancing drugs for athletics so you can still feel some progress if you only cheat to get sandboxed and then play normal.
    what if i dont care about competition and just want to play the way i want to, seeing actual progress instead of the intended slow crawl?
    is it still cheating if i do this with the knowledge nobody is at a disadvantage because of me, because there is ... you know, no competition.
  • Maceo511
    Maceo511 Posts: 67 Match Maker
    I'm just here because I see Jamie replied and wondering if people still request D3 to sandbox me... icon_e_biggrin.gif
    I do once a week icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Keegan
    Keegan Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    ammenell wrote:
    what if i dont care about competition and just want to play the way i want to, seeing actual progress instead of the intended slow crawl?
    is it still cheating if i do this with the knowledge nobody is at a disadvantage because of me, because there is ... you know, no competition.

    Kind of taking a deep dive into "What are morals?" here, aren't you icon_e_smile.gif

    Cheating is cheating, as defined by breaking the designed system in order to gain an advantage. The advantage doesn't have to be a competitive one. The game is designed a particular way for a reason - you don't get to play the game that you want to without cheating, so it's still cheating. Whether or not you consider that "wrong" is completely up to your moral compass.
  • The best part of MPQ is what happens on Line.
    Line is the main reason I still play MPQ. I'm addicted to the Line chats. The people in my alliance are awesome & super entertaining, moreso than the game itself
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Maceo511 wrote:
    I'm just here because I see Jamie replied and wondering if people still request D3 to sandbox me... icon_e_biggrin.gif
    I do once a week icon_e_biggrin.gif

    I thought that'd be a job for Woodhouse.
  • acescracked
    acescracked Posts: 1,197 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't know... still waiting for someone to explain how it all works.

    Line is *super* complicated. You are correct, need to get some help to get started. I used a Line consultant to explain and set it up for me. A bit pricey but worth it. I think the Geek Squad at Best Buy can do Line setup for you. Call them and check.
  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    In my mind, the only reason they won't give people unlimited slots is so people will spend money on HP to buy slots. I personally think I should be able to roster any character I earn. Because I earned every single cover I get. Whether I earned them by reaching a progression in an event, or beat TBE, or opened a token (another earned prize), I want to keep the cover I receive, not have to worry about losing it in 14 days because I'm nowhere close to the HP required.

    Do i wish I was sandboxed, eh, not really, but I truly wish I could always use the rewards/covers I earn as opposed to earning something and being told, "Sorry, you earned this but you didn't earn HP, so either spend actual money on the game or you lose your earned reward."

    Did I used the word earned enough? icon_lol.gif
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
    Support does not voluntarily "sandbox" accounts. Providing advice or assistance in order to cheat in the game is not acceptable conduct.
    Please refrain. Locking thread.
    Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.