what is the point of level 50 card type restrictions?

fruithead Posts: 56
All the planeswalkers have card type restrictions, such as max 3 spells 4 supports etc.

Why? I get at low levels there is a point to this to get a sense of growth and progression as you develop, so that at first you can only build decks that have elements of each type and then as you progress you can add more customization by utilizing different combinations. Also allowing more variety gives you a sense of worthwhileness so that you understand you're spending your runes to gain something in planeswalker leveling.

However, once you hit level 50 I see no reason to have any restrictions at all. your planeswalker is already at max level, if you want to build a deck with ten supports why can't you do that? If you want to have 8 creatures & 2 spells why can't you do that? I just don't see the point of forcing you to have certain variety of cards. there's not any particular combinations that would be so overpowering that it has to be prevented, so this mechanic just seems to be there to limit creativity and this is very puzzling to me.


  • halcyanide
    halcyanide Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    Totally agree. The only thing I can think is that they hinted earlier about level 50+. So maybe when they increase the level cap they'll remove more of the card type limitations
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Probably it's less to restrict you from building overpowered decks and more to prevent you from building underpowered or troll decks.

    Also there are almost certainly combos out there that would be broken, especially if you were allowed 10 supports. The one that summons a 4/4 flyer each time you cast a different support would be pretty crazy.
  • paralistalon
    The point is more in line with the concept of the color wheel. Green is the best color for creatures so it doesn't make sense to play a green deck with all spells!
  • fruithead
    The point is more in line with the concept of the color wheel. Green is the best color for creatures so it doesn't make sense to play a green deck with all spells!
    loroku wrote:
    Probably it's less to restrict you from building overpowered decks and more to prevent you from building underpowered or troll decks.

    Also there are almost certainly combos out there that would be broken, especially if you were allowed 10 supports. The one that summons a 4/4 flyer each time you cast a different support would be pretty crazy.
    neither of these makes any sense to me - again, are we trying to encourage creativity, or stifle it? so green is creature-based. so what? i actually want to make a green concept deck based around spell spamming, i think it would be cool. you're saying i should not be allowed to because it does not fit thematically with green? do you not see how ridiculous that sounds?

    and to the second point, in fact one of the decks i want to make is the very one you point out, based on sigil of the empty throne. OP? does that even matter? who cares about OPness? if you have even 70% of the cards that are currently out, maybe even 60%, you can build decks for every color that are unbeatable. the ai in any case can barely win against a skilled player wieldling little more than a basic deck! atm, this game is a time sink, not a challenge. it's almost more like farmville or castle clash than a legitimate game, the players who win are those who insert the most time.

    if i want to make the game more interesting, and i do, by thinking of cool concepts and playing them to see how exciting it is, why on earth would the developers wish to discourage me from doing that? it's completely ludicrous, especially in regards to gideon, who, at lvl 33, i can win over and over with without losing any hp over a series of games due to lifelink. gideon is so broken with even one lifelink it's stupid. is a potentially powerful sigil deck so game-breaking the devs needed to implement an arbitrary system to prevent it?

    i just dont understand.
  • Also there are almost certainly combos out there that would be broken, especially if you were allowed 10 supports. The one that summons a 4/4 flyer each time you cast a different support would be pretty crazy.
    neither of these makes any sense to me - again, are we trying to encourage creativity, or stifle it? so green is creature-based. so what? i actually want to make a green concept deck based around spell spamming, i think it would be cool. you're saying i should not be allowed to because it does not fit thematically with green? do you not see how ridiculous that sounds?

    and to the second point, in fact one of the decks i want to make is the very one you point out, based on sigil of the empty throne. OP? does that even matter? who cares about OPness? if you have even 70% of the cards that are currently out, maybe even 60%, you can build decks for every color that are unbeatable. the ai in any case can barely win against a skilled player wieldling little more than a basic deck! atm, this game is a time sink, not a challenge. it's almost more like farmville or castle clash than a legitimate game, the players who win are those who insert the most time.

    if i want to make the game more interesting, and i do, by thinking of cool concepts and playing them to see how exciting it is, why on earth would the developers wish to discourage me from doing that? it's completely ludicrous, especially in regards to gideon, who, at lvl 33, i can win over and over with without losing any hp over a series of games due to lifelink. gideon is so broken with even one lifelink it's stupid. is a potentially powerful sigil deck so game-breaking the devs needed to implement an arbitrary system to prevent it?

    i just dont understand.

    Keep in mind. The game is relatively new and there is a suggestion thread here too. Maybe posting the ideas you have as a suggestion might help with the creation of a better, more complete game in the future?

  • Meto5000
    Meto5000 Posts: 583
    Lieguld wrote:

    Why do you keep signing your posts? We know who you are because it says so right at the top of every single post. It's not like you're signing a different name than your forum account name.

    Yours in Zuul,
    Meto5000 the Hiphopopotamus
  • paralistalon
    As the head designer of the paper game is fond of quoting, "restriction breeds creativity." The whole point of there being different colors is that each color has strengths and weaknesses, and since this game relies on planeswalkers, there has to be some difference between them. They may release another green or white walker that allows you to play more instants or supports, but for now, we just have these five. I'm sure once they release multicolor planeswalkers, you'll be able to put together a much wider range of decks than doing away with the card type limit would accomplish.
  • Meto5000 wrote:
    Lieguld wrote:

    Why do you keep signing your posts? We know who you are because it says so right at the top of every single post. It's not like you're signing a different name than your forum account name.

    Yours in Zuul,
    Meto5000 the Hiphopopotamus

    Because it's fun.

  • So it is likely there for the sake of ease of balance.

    While it is possible that removing the restrictions will simply result in a different kind of balance, you can see how it might severely increase the amount of possibilities that devs would have to consider.

    Restriction is just as good for creativity as freedom, if not more so, and indeed many of the most interesting achievements come from people circumventing or being forced to deal with restrictions.

    So I'm fine with it as it stands I guess.
  • Keegan
    Keegan Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    Plus, it's your live deck that the others play via AI in PvP. Your superterrificfunplay deck can unbalance and completely break the experience of others. If we played actual PvP, I'd be even more pissed off at the devs allowing you to play so unbalanced.
  • Hibernum_JC
    Hibernum_JC Posts: 318 Mover and Shaker
    Some of you guys got right on the point - the restriction actually adds to the creativity of the decks.

    As another note, as we eventually release more Planeswalkers, they will have different restrictions. Another of our goals is to ensure that Planeswalkers feel different, not only in their abilities but also in their restrictions.

    As some of you may know from the paper game, there are a lot of variations of the same Planeswalkers. I don't have the exact numbers with me, but there are multiple versions of each of the Planeswalkers we have included in the game so far, and each is meant for different archetypes and playstyles. Nissa, thematically with Green, can be a jack of all trades, pure ramp, mass creatures, loads of growths, etc. If we were to make a Nissa centered around mass creatures, we would certainly focus on her amount of creatures, but if she were to be a pure ramp-based one, she would most likely have more room for Supports and Spells.

    That is not to say we never will have a Planeswalker that has no restrictions whatsoever (it might happen!) but as of right now it's not really our goal.
  • loroku
    loroku Posts: 1,014 Chairperson of the Boards
    Great explanation, thank you!