Veterans only. Day 125+ *Closed*

edited February 2014 in MPQ Alliances
You know who you are.

PM me.

EDIT: Filled for now. I guess we'll all see what happens in the future.


  • I still need an alliance. I've been playing since day 1
  • Playing since day 1. Kind of holding back though...want to see what kind of features they put in Alliances.
  • Add me please, 140 day+ player, haven't been registered on the forum until now tho
  • lost count of days....started before daily prizes...what is the name of you alliance?
  • I'm laying back on joining an alliance until there are actual benefits.
  • Curses! Only day 122! I guess I'm not a veteran. icon_e_sad.gif
  • I'm on day 121, but that's just cause I took a break for a couple days... close enough?
  • Day 129 in rewards, can I go in?
  • Sorry for the slow replies. Life eh. Waiting on a few replies. I'll get back with y'all when it's appropriate. Again, sorry for any delays. Just think of it as another 'feature' of the game.
  • Day 127, multiple 2star characters fully leveled and 3star characters level 100+
  • Would love to join up please. Looking to get this alliance deal on the go.