Matchmaking issue during "Main Stage" PVP

Cylaali Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
I don't know if others experienced this so I figured I'd throw it here and see if anyone else noticed this. Before I go into my dilemma, speaking to others in the community, Main Event did feel a bit more "hot" than some other events, which is fine but my issue is with the matchmaking.

My roster is capped at 277, due to a championed 4* Thor. I do have Prof X who was boosted to 297 for yesterday's events but did not use him at all. My Gwen only has 2 covers. I was running almost exclusively maxed and championed Jeanbuster for most the event (except for baking some delicacies for the masses icon_e_smile.gif ). I found that in my relatively quick hops yesterday that I was hit repeatedly and often by people running with level 400+ 5* guys like Phoenix and OML. Not a single occurrence, but rather quite frequently. They can run through my Jeanbuster team in no time, while I have absolutely zero shot at ever beating their teams (except maybe whales?). Why are these guys able to find me? Shouldn't I be matched up in level to people comparable to me? My highest covered 5* is a 4 cover OML who is leveled at 270. I shouldn't be getting attacked within 2-3 minutes of unshielding by anyone who has maxed 5*'s.