Token Trouble (Oh look, all my standards became heroic)

This is one of those problems that a few people have had...and likely don't want to bring to attention in case it will get....overlooked for a while.

Several of us that were previously having the trouble of event tokens turning into standard tokens are now getting a lovely benefit.

Standard Tokens are occasionally turning into heroic tokens.

It's happened to me twice now. Originally I actually thought the first instance was a credit from support....I no longer believe that when it happened again this morning.

It appears (much like the event token fiasco) to be tied to facebook saving and switching devices.


  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Yeah, I sent in a ticket about it just in case they were unaware. I suspect it's more widespread than people are letting on, but who knows.
  • I only play on one device, and my Assault Team tokens are showing up as Standards. I did have two that ended up changing to heroic- I missed it, because I also had like 8 heroics as rewards at the same time. So I don't believe it's tied to facebook or device changing, as I've done neither. I thought it was support updating them, until I realized they were supposed to be Assault Team and not heroic.
  • I assumed this was a fix/reward for all the Assault Team/Heroic tokens that got dropped as Standard over the last week, to be honest.