Always CP Instead of LT

greenglove Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
For a lot of people, adding another 5*, as is going to happen soon, will probably mean the end of getting OML covers in the Latest Legends section. My sense is that most people do not want this. It seems to me that replacing LT's with 25 CP in more places would give us better choices, especially since CP is at a premium. At the very least, if DDQ 4* star quests rewarded with 25 CP instead of Latest Legends token, we would have more options. I think you could seriously consider replacing all LT's with 25 CP. Of course, that means that new 5* star characters will be even slower to appear than they are at present (I still haven't seen many 5* spideys in action). However, most people are going so slow on 5* acquisition that they want more covers for the characters they already have, and not new characters. This points out the tension between making 5* characters so hard to develop versus the relatively rapid release of 5* characters. This tension is probably already on the devs' minds, but it is fairly acute for us players. Heck, I'd still rather be getting SS covers in the latest legends packs.


  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think this goes back to previous arguments that there need to be two legendary tokens. One that only gives 4* characters and one that gives 4 and 5* characters.

    In this second one, I think that there should be a 5% chance of any 5* character and include them all. The 4* percentages would then decrease with the addition of any new 5* while each new 5* always has a 5% chance (which is in line with how 5's were originally rolled out).

    For instance, right now.

    Surfer - 5%
    OML - 5%
    Phoenix - 5%
    5piderman 5%
    Each remaining 4*(27) 2.96%