Suggestions to Modifications to Skip Tax

If skip tax is here to stay this time just some suggestions to make it easier to take.

1. If the fight is a "revenge" fight against someone that beat us don't have the skip tax. It's annoying to open the game and find I have been defeated by numerous teams with characters that are 20+ levels higher than mine that I have no chance of beating. So it is either pay to skip or die.

2. Don't have the skip tax apply if the average level of the other team is 15 or more above you. My highest characters are 70, 61, and some 50's and most of the time I get paired off against all 85's or higher. I understand that the the matchmaking will not always be perfect but at least give the player some leeway on those unlucky days.


  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    I don't understand why the range of +30 to -10 isn't applied at the end. Instead of making us pay to skip, just track when you've skipped until we reach -10 and take that off the ISO reward we get at the end. So if you fight the first battle and win 70 ISO, you get 70 + 30 or 100. If you skip three times, you get no bonus and no deduction, so if you get 70 ISO, that's the amount you take. If you skip 4 or more times, and the award is 70 ISO, you take 60. That way you aren't "paying" to skip from ISO you already earned and you don't get screwed by the broken MMR that continually matches you with impossible battles or the same opponents over and over.
  • 3. Have the bonus recharge over time so I can wait half hour and skip again in the case that there are only unsuitable matches.

    Ideally skip tax will be completely revoked though.