Legendary Tokens Rate

yaoz86 Posts: 7
I totally couldn't believe. 3 full weeks, I open 30 plus Legendary Tokens, I didn't even managed to get a 5 star from it. Is this meant to be a joke or just because I'm a F2P player, the system will not give the things that I needed. Hope someone from the admin team give me a decent reply and not a reply like how the customer service always reply.


  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    On my F2P account I've opened 5*s at a rate of about 15% so far, well above the expected result.

    So far, you've opened them at apparently a 0% rate.

    Both of our results are anecdotal small sample size. The same thing could happen with dice rolls, or playing cards.

    You've had a run of bad luck, and that's a bummer, but this is the type of thing that can happen when chance is involved. Particularly low chances of things.
  • I just hope they just put 0.3% rather than 3.3% for the 5 stars. Its really a bummer, most of my 4 stars are already max covers and I can do is just sell those covers. I see my alliance mates pulling 5 stars so easily, but yet for me its none for 3 weeks. Really depressing.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    It is very frustrating to open token after token and have them all be gold, especially when many of them end up being useless and needing to be sold at a mere 1000 iso, which is nothing after the monumental effort taken to get them.
  • Mathrim
    Mathrim Posts: 63 Match Maker
    When 5* were out, I had first a 0/70 streak, I complained and since that my pulls were much better.