How do I unlock story mode?

How do I unlock story mode?


  • Keegan
    Keegan Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    petritis wrote:
    How do I unlock story mode?

    Each new level is unlocked by defeating your opponent.

    Make sure you are in the Story tab, the left-most of three when you are in story mode. Generally just going to play puts you there automatically. Then start with Origins - Chapter One, Part 1. Should be the only thing you can open.

    Start the first battle. Once you win, on to the next one that is now unlocked.

    Hope this helps, you should be able to figure it out once you pass the tutorial and win your first match.
  • Dang, maybe bugged.
    I can only PVP.
    ALL of the stories are locked.
    I have bought 3 planeswalkers and opened some packs.
    Do you need a certain planeswalker for story?
    I have Nissa, Lilianna, and Chandra.
  • Keegan
    Keegan Posts: 284 Mover and Shaker
    According to an old thread, this was fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling the game. It might take more than one attempt.

    There is a technical board if you need further help:
  • Dang, 2 reinstalls, and then an install and use on another device, and still no story mode. ( I sent a message to support, but I have no idea about how long I will have to wait ).