Opinions Wanted* for 4 Star Survey. (*only smart ones)

edited February 2016 in MPQ Tips and Guides
In the spirit of Polarity and Dauthi, I would like to compile a rough ranking of 4* characters. Since 4*s are so numerous, with wide variations of usefulness, I think it would be very helpful for 4* transitioners to see what the established PvP community thinks are the best and worst characters.

So, as you examine your roster, think about which 4* characters get used the most in PvP, which had the most dramatic impact on your climbing ability, which helped increase your scores, who hop the fastest, or who is just generally OP!

I will then compile the information into rough rankings which will help 4* transitioners decide on how to better their rosters. While other rankings to appear on the MPQ forums, these unfortunately are swayed by new or less informed players. These 4* rankings will be made by veterans only!

Unfortunately, resource management is a HUGE part of MPQ, which means only certain 4*s can get the ISO required to be max level, while others may not even be worth the cost of a roster spot. But a solid guide will help direct those resources to more efficiently create competitive 4* rosters and strengthen the community.

Please take the time to post your top five 4* characters. In addition, feel free to post your bottom five as well. Any additional rankings is also appreciated.

Feel free to contact me (saltypeppers) with your rankings on the LINE app as well. Thanks!
