Enemy Scaling

LordWill Posts: 341
I just wanted to put this in as a bug report.

I don't think the enemy scaling is still working properly. It was fine for the first few days of the event and now has went from Trivial to Deadly in the very next fight.

I agree that it's doable to beat the 230X3 fight but when the first fight is trival then the very next fight in the sequence is deadly, there is a problem I think.

You have several different levels, Trivial, Easy, Normal, Hard, Deadly? I think you changed the wording from Impossible to Deadly, so I think there are 5 levels of difficulty. I rarely see the easy,normal.

It would be nice to hear from Demiurge Will if they are still working on this and this is a known issue, and that community scaling needs to be done away with.

Can you at least tell us if this is working as intended or not? What is the purpose of having every fight 230 level guys? Are you just wanting to slow the game down to 1 fight per 10-15 minutes?

I think this is a bug, please let us know if it isn't.