Customer service? What a joke

HossDrone Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
So I filed a complaint with cs on behalf of my alliance following the galactus event. I get back boilerplate nonsense.

I clarify what happened. I get back another boilerplate response that doesn't address what I'm saying at all.

I send another response. I get back an another email that is only a couple sentences different than the last one.

I request a call from someone since email is going nowhere. Another copy of the last email.

Funny how d3 cs doesn't have a phone number to call and d3 corporate I can't find one either. This company is a money grubbing joke and will never get another dime from me.


  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    HossDrone wrote:
    So I filed a complaint with cs on behalf of my alliance following the galactus event.
    What was the problem?
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    This is a forum for bugs or technical issues. Making a thread saying you didn't like the response you received from customer service is not applicable to this section of the forums.
  • HossDrone
    HossDrone Posts: 43 Just Dropped In
    Our alliance got split in half randomly. Yes, I'm aware of the system being set to impose a 20 player roster cap on the alliance. No, that isn't what happened no matter how many times I get a boiler plate response from a trained cs monkey trying to tell me that's what happened.

    Our alliance got split into two groups of nine with each group containing members who have been in the alliance for months.

    I want resolution and satisfaction from cs since if our scores had been combined we would have gotten through another level and earned a hulk buster RED. Add it is we didn't because we got split up 9 and 9.

    I send emails, I get nearly identical responses that clearly show they are not reading what I wrote OR they are and are intentionally screwing us by not giving us what we would have earned.

    Detailed enough of a complaint/bug!?