Demolition traps still there?!

Downed fury after he used demolition, trap disarmed text for taps, several rounds later all traps go off and team goes down... why??


  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Not perfectly clear what happened. Was this PVE? PVP? Was Fury on the enemy team, or was it a team up? What other characters were on the enemy team? Any other characters that might have set traps?
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    I believe in nodes with waves the enemy occasionally gets team-ups for a character that is also in one of the waves (Nick Fury Demolition in this example). If this is the case, killing Fury in the wave will not cause the Team-Up-generated traps to clear.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jaedenkaal wrote:
    I believe in nodes with waves the enemy occasionally gets team-ups for a character that is also in one of the waves (Nick Fury Demolition in this example). If this is the case, killing Fury in the wave will not cause the Team-Up-generated traps to clear.
    This could definitely explain it.