Rocket and Groot Green power not working correctly?

Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
I don't use R&G very often, so I may be mistaken, but the green power does not seem to be working correctly for me. I have the power at 4 covers. So the way I understand the description, if I have 14 greentile.png, then the power should remove two enemy special (except countdown) tiles along with the tiles removed from the center when I fire it. But when I did this yesterday, I waited to fire the power until I had fourteen in order to remove the opponent's two strike tiles, but all I got was the blast in the center. Am I missing something?


  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The extra destroyed tiles can affect enemy special tiles, but they are not guaranteed to. It's like Magneto's Coercive Field - at lower levels it will affect only basic tiles, at higher levels it will stop excluding enemy special tiles but won't actively target them.

    This is why the preferred R&G build is 5/3/5.
  • Legasher
    Legasher Posts: 67 Match Maker
    Ahhh, aha. Thank you. That makes much more sense now.