IM40 Buff Typo

Jawsome Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
First, YAY Buff to IM40

Second, the old max damage you have listed at:
Level 5: Stuns current target for 2 turns.
Max Level: 2669 damage)

With new values at:
MAX: Tony Stark shoots to thrill, letting loose a barrage of charged homing missiles at his enemies. Deals 3235 damage to the enemy team, destroys 6 random basic tiles and drains 3 of the team’s Yellow, Purple and Black AP. (Destroyed tiles do not generate AP.)

Which sounds like a huge buff but the actual old values were:
Level 5: Deals 3130 damage and Stuns current target for 2 turns.

Which I pulled from: ... _(Model_40)

Which is actually a much smaller buff. Clarification on actual numbers?
Similiarily there is also a typo on the red, old max was
Level 5: Deals 4172 damage (Drains 2 AP from other colors).


Level 5: Drains 2 AP from other colors.
Max Level: 3559 damage)