Dude, Where's My ISO-8?

Runningwild Posts: 40 Just Dropped In
I just patched this bad boy to R48 in excitement. I fire her up and am greeted with a

"Save Game Error - the save file is corrupted."

Window. I close it and think to myself.. no problem. Game loads up fine. Roster is intact.
I play my **** off this morning to scrimp the 2500 ISO needed to create an Alliance. I get to 2300 with change.

I've just gone to do a few things, log back in and get a few rewards for the latest PvE rounds. After clicking through them all my ISO-8 is at a grand total of 500!

You've got to be kidding me..

Anyone else notice their ISO-8 depleting?

UPDATE: I just noticed that the ISO-8 Lab challenges just reset. I had cleared Argentina and Sudan this morning but hadn't attempted each challenge section yet. I wonder if that also had something to do with it.