Can't 20 ISO and New Reward System Co-Exist?

GoreSlasher Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
edited February 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I hardly ever post unless there is a server issue but I felt that today's reward system change warranted a response and a fresh perspective.

I have been grinding prologue nodes repeatedly into the 1000s. That's one of the main reasons I was able to champion 40 of my 3*s in 30 days. (And they were all at lvl 160 at the time, not 166, when the ability to champion began. That came out to 15,404 + 7500 ISO per character) After 7/7 rewards, I was hoping 20 ISO would take effect instead of nothing. Its a crucial way many players have been able to earn ISO and would be harmless to leave that feature in with the addition of the 7 rewards. I might be the only player to admit that this hurts.

Having played through the prologue post change, I'd implore the developers to at least leave the nodes unlocked.

I use the prologue as a therapy tool for patients with Alzheimer's, my dad included, and having them play a simple Prologue mission and receiving even a 20 ISO reward was intriguing and invigorating to them. The point that they could make progress toward something, (Yes they understand how progress is made by earning ISO to champion characters.) was helping them immensely. The prologue offered an easy, simple, "practice ground" area in the game that wouldn't affect my main contests and would still result in the earning of a reward, albeit 20 ISO, that made them feel accomplished.

Edited: Ok let's veer off topic (unfortunately) for the small minority wanting to miss the main point of the thread and detract from the conversation with a connotative statement. My dad has Alzheimer's--we play on my game. When we play together, we earn ISO on my account. Oh no!...sigh. My patients are in a separate hospital, with iPADS we provide. One person, their own account. I would've never imagined that I'd have to elaborate on that portion of my post. Smh. The kind of response, "You have your dad and Alzheimer's patients farm ISO for you? Uh..ok.." is so off topic to the issue/suggestion presented, wrongly suggestive and epitomizes the reason why I don't regularly post. I'll be ignoring future replies that don't add to the discussion.

Back to discussion.

I can bet that it's rarely been discussed or mentioned how beneficial match 3 games can be for sick patients or those with memory loss. Incorporate, the different Marvel heroes and their respective colors and powers and you're playing with a winner.

Now, once these missions are completed, the prologue becomes an abandoned waste land. And that's the one area that plays at its own pace and has been a positive source for the people I work with. While I'm not bashing today's change or being that one rotten apple in the basket that is just looking to complain--I'm merely pointing out how removing a seemingly useless feature in the game as a sacrifice for a new change, while both can co-exist, can negatively impact the game.

My point simply is--add the new reward system but still offer 20 ISO after 7/7 rewards are earned. And leave those prologue nodes unlocked. The prologue feature is more important than you might think.


  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    If you can't get the prologue missions back, there's some good apps I could suggest to help with your dad. Peak brain training being one, you should check it out.
  • TheOncomingStorm
    TheOncomingStorm Posts: 489 Mover and Shaker
    Hit lightning round seeds. You'll get more iso and for less time.

    The prologue is not there to provide vets iso, for better or worse.

    Typically, I'd ask for more lr's, but removing 20 iso rewards nodes after 2 years, buys a lot of good will. Even if there was something to complain about, I wouldn't do it now.

    If we want mpq to take our opinions seriously, we can no longer continue to give them grief every time they do something we request, just because it's not exactly the way players envisioned it.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2016
    You can't have everything. Do you really want to grind 20 Iso nodes? There's better ways to earn Iso.

    There's no reason to turn this extremely positive news and find the negative. This is seriously the best thing they've done since Deadpool Daily Quest.

    Edit: I read your reply so I decided to read your entire post. I didn't realize you used prologue for Alzheimer patients, my apologies I figured it was just another player complaining about something in a long rant. Maybe try the other two puzzle Quest games: Adventure Time and Magic, they might have repeatable prologue or just another game altogether that would help.
  • GoreSlasher
    GoreSlasher Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    edited February 2016
    I debated whether typing a long post would actually garner the same amount of attention toward the middle and last couple of paragraphs vs the first two.

    Now I know the answer.

    Thanks thisone and punisher5784 for those alternate games they could play. I just feel bad having to change the games on them. ✌️
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    You use your dad and Alzheimer patients to farm iso for you?
  • I had the same reaction as the guy above me... only instead of judging you... I thought GREAT IDEA! LOL
  • GoreSlasher
    GoreSlasher Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    SirLanik wrote:
    You use your dad and Alzheimer patients to farm iso for you?

    Is that what I said I do? If you have nothing positive to contribute, it'd be wise not to say anything at all. I guess you can't recognize that I brought up two points, one illustrating the benefit having the prologue available for grinding AND an entire separate entity on how the prologue has helped patients of mine become engaged by using match 3 gameplay that was simple, not competitive, on their pace, and formerly available 24/7 unlike lightning rounds. And the latter was mentioned after accepting the fact that there would be no reward. My point moved on to just having the prologue nodes available.

    Lost in your translation was the fact that I actually praised the game and suggested a tie in of the old feature with the new, never once bashing the new change, while providing a positive alternative where both factors could coexist, hence the thread title.

    Too complicated for you?...
  • Huatimus
    Huatimus Posts: 115
    While I have never farmed the prologue for 20 ISO, I do go there for healing. (Especially since luck dictates that my OML only gets 1 yellow cover)

    I wouldn't mind even if the nodes give 0 rewards after collecting all available rewards, just leave them unlocked like the current Gauntlet nodes at the very least. So that the true healing characters, actually have somewhere to go to true heal. But yes, preferably 20 ISO still exists, because we're all really ISO starved.
  • Juggernut
    Juggernut Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
    "My point simply is--add the new reward system but still offer 20 ISO after 7/7 rewards are earned. And leave those prologue nodes unlocked."

    I'm going to agree with the original poster here. Leaving the nodes locked means that I can't go back and play the story again and read the dialogues from time to time (the deadpool new york event dialogue is pretty damn funny, as an example). Currently, once all the rewards are claimed in the prologue, the content is just there to take up space with absolutely no use. It's locked. For me, that just makes the game feel more barren. Then there's the category of people that will just blow past all pve events and pvp with nothing else to do. If they want to masochistically grind the 20 iso, then let them. The recent change is fantastic overall but it needs to be flexible and there's definitely room for improvement.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    SirLanik wrote:
    You use your dad and Alzheimer patients to farm iso for you?

    Is that what I said I do? If you have nothing positive to contribute, it'd be wise not to say anything at all. I guess you can't recognize that I brought up two points, one illustrating the benefit having the prologue available for grinding AND an entire separate entity on how the prologue has helped patients of mine become engaged by using match 3 gameplay that was simple, not competitive, on their pace, and formerly available 24/7 unlike lightning rounds. And the latter was mentioned after accepting the fact that there would be no reward. My point moved on to just having the prologue nodes available.

    Lost in your translation was the fact that I actually praised the game and suggested a tie in of the old feature with the new, never once bashing the new change, while providing a positive alternative where both factors could coexist, hence the thread title.

    Too complicated for you?...
    The point that they could make progress toward something, (Yes they understand how progress is made by earning ISO to champion characters.) was helping them immensely. The prologue offered an easy, simple, "practice ground" area in the game that wouldn't affect my main contests and would still result in the earning of a reward, albeit 20 ISO, that made them feel accomplished.

    Yeah, you did. When you said THEY could earn iso without affect YOUR game
  • GoreSlasher
    GoreSlasher Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Juggernut wrote:
    "My point simply is--add the new reward system but still offer 20 ISO after 7/7 rewards are earned. And leave those prologue nodes unlocked."

    I'm going to agree with the original poster here. Leaving the nodes locked means that I can't go back and play the story again and read the dialogues from time to time (the deadpool new york event dialogue is pretty damn funny, as an example). Currently, once all the rewards are claimed in the prologue, the content is just there to take up space with absolutely no use. It's locked. For me, that just makes the game feel more barren. Then there's the category of people that will just blow past all pve events and pvp with nothing else to do. If they want to masochistically grind the 20 iso, then let them. The recent change is fantastic overall but it needs to be flexible and there's definitely room for improvement.

    Thanks Juggernut for understanding my point and adding to the discussion in a positive way. I completely appreciate the new feature and hope that in some way those nodes can be unlocked again.
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    Huatimus wrote:
    While I have never farmed the prologue for 20 ISO, I do go there for healing. (Especially since luck dictates that my OML only gets 1 yellow cover)

    I wouldn't mind even if the nodes give 0 rewards after collecting all available rewards, just leave them unlocked like the current Gauntlet nodes at the very least. So that the true healing characters, actually have somewhere to go to true heal. But yes, preferably 20 ISO still exists, because we're all really ISO starved.

    I have a feeling that this might actually be closer to the reason that they are locking these nodes..... They don't want people using the prolog to heal up characters.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    The prologue is not there to provide vets iso
    THAT was your takeaway from the OP? I'll never understand what the **** is wrong with some people...
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    20iso or not, I'd like the nodes to not be locked out. I do experiment there sometimes.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nice to see myself and my lackeys aren't the only people using mpq and it's forums for medical reasons.

    As a psychological researcher and behavioural psychologist I have found lots of interesting info on here and my underlings regularly collect data from this forum regarding compulsive behaviour and exaggerated emotions in a digital medium
  • Philly79
    Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
    Nice way to get your patients involved. I like the new system but as others have mentioned the 20 iso prologue was nice to experiment and use for the occasional heal. I just recently started farming the iso, it isn't too bad if you have a strong team as you can make about 1k+ in 10 minutes. I would like to see the prologue nodes unlocked also.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    TxMoose wrote:
    20iso or not, I'd like the nodes to not be locked out. I do experiment there sometimes.

    I don't like it being locked out either; I let my kids play there.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have heard rumors of prologue bots, a slow grind for ISO....would maybe be difficult to determine if this is cheating or not. I could see them getting rid of prologue for that reason.

    There are easy nodes in almost every PVE (which are almost always running) - a good place to let kids play, save your game, try out new combinations or weak characters, line up your characters and boosts for next match (I do that in prologue for LR's) or whatever. The ISO increased should almost make up for any legitimate 20-iso grinds.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,214 Chairperson of the Boards
    While certainly not as prevalent as back in the pre-true heal days, there are times I'll drag Wolverine, Daken, or Groot back to the Prologue to heal up after a particularly tough fight.

    The other thing to be taken into account for those Prologue nodes is that it's a great place to play with different team combinations that you otherwise wouldn't try in ranked matches.

    As far as Iso farming for the 20 previously available, besides during the 1st anniversary week when they were doubled, I don't think anyone who isn't trying to game the system is spending excessive time in any prologue nodes. Perhaps keep them open without the Iso reward?

    Or just prevent me from healing those few true healers and give us a Test area that lets us use ANY character against ANY opposing team. That way we could test out strategies without needing the prologue.

    I know, this doesn't get to the point or necessarily agree with the OP, but I do think it shows that there are other reasons to go back to the prologue.

    Oh, and bonus Idea! Refresh 1/7 Prologue Rewards every day/week/whatever. That way there is a limit to what can be earned from them, but still offers the prior options of non-competative play.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    SirLanik wrote:
    You use your dad and Alzheimer patients to farm iso for you?
    You think all Alzheimer's patients should be murdered instead to purge the gene pool?

    (Does it sound as ridiculous to you when someone else does it to one of your posts?)