Alliance membership bug

Philly79 Posts: 422 Mover and Shaker
So I am in a buyers club awaiting to spend money and I notice that I am all of the sudden not in the alliance anymore. Thought I was possibly kicked to make room so I searched my alliance and....see screen shots below....



As you can see I am in the alliance that has the join button, we are all kind of spooked to buy as the game may not recognize us being in the alliance. With all of the issues with the Galactus event, the constant crashes from the SWitch PVP, the non-rewards from the lightning rounds, the lag and connection issues today...I really wonder what in the hell is going on over there at d3

Moderator edit: please use clear subject lines that reference the problem being described. Modified subject line (previous subject: "Bugs, bugs, bugs..."). -DayvBang