Lost all progress and cards.

Hello, I just logged back in, and I was greeted with a "could not connect to server" issue, which normally isn't the case.

I think I clicked try again, or something, and it got me back to the connect to facebook sync/choose a name screen, from which I put in the exact same username I did before.

Now, I'm sent to the tutorial whenever I launch the game, when I've already completed the old patch "100%" as well as having a lot of cards unlocked.

My question is, can the devs go back and 'save' my account? I'm pretty sure I was synced to this /before/ I chose a new game, but I'm not sure.

If it can't be saved, I'm not playing anymore unfortunately, because honestly, if I can't trust that my account will be saved when I've spent money on it, I'm not going to continue playing it.



  • I am in the exact same boat as you. I refuse to support this game after dumping hours and money into it, just to lose it all after a screwed up patch.
  • It happened to me as well. I already raised a ticket but their answer was laughable. They think my game crashed and asked to restart my iPhone...