Blue bounce cards now useless

So with the update the blues return a card to hand cards are now fairly useless. Before if who you where playing against was at max hand size the creature was destroyed, and i can semi- see this as a bit powerful in the puzzle quest context (though a very common and cheap effect in mtg). However, the fix of requiring your opponents hand to be less than five makes these effects only work for the first few turns, as i have never played against someone who's hand dies not fill up commonly, particularly computer players. Generally at this point i plan to take all these cards out of my deck, as they are now extremely situation, and as a blue player i know have little recourse for creature removal


  • I had Jace up to level 50, with a 99.5% win rate over 200 games before the patch.
    I havent touched him since the patch for this exact reason.

    My entire deck was based around bounce mechanics, and the nerf to this mechanic is absolutely brutal.
  • Abenjes
    Abenjes Posts: 253 Mover and Shaker
    That's because 10 for a 6/6 that basically kills your creature is way overpowered in this format it desperately needed to be real life its only a 2 to cast 2/2 and the creature needs to be tapped, harbinger of the tides in PG format if a MTG card have would read return one of the creatures to your hand and destroy any others of the same or something like that. its crazy, but I do agree they haven't rebalanced it correctly.
    They need to look at the way the creatures are bounced back, say you had reinforced a creature 4 times and it got bounced those 5 creatures should have been returned to your hand and you given the choice to discard them or try to recast them but there's no option for that yet
  • Oh i agree that HOT was way to powerful. However this was no where near its only debuff. They lowered its power (6/6 to a 4/4) and they lowered the increase if the cost of the bounced card (down to 3 from 6). Then they made bounce only work in extremely rare situations. This is also onky ine of the many bounce cards. Which generally cost around ten or more mana to cast. Compaire this to chandras creature removal, theyrr is a 6 costs spell that does 6 damage, easily removing most creatures in the game at present. So blue is now left with pretty much no efficient creature removal options
  • Blue bounce is now situational instead of the solution to everything.

    Even with the nerfs blue is still the best planes walker.

    You simply need to time bounce now instead of killing a creature for 4.

    I agree it isn't the change that I would have wanted, but it is not the end of the world and bounce is still a huge tempo swing.
  • Honestly, it hasn't been for me. I have mostly switched to playing chandra, and have little problems wiping the floor with blue. When i have been playing blue unless i draw a bounce early, i pretty much never get to play them.
  • Wouldn't it be beter to just enforce the max hand size at the end of your turn and have unlimited hand size in between? Just like in Paper? Then the bounce can work as intended without the overpowering destroy effect.
  • Wouldn't it be beter to just enforce the max hand size at the end of your turn and have unlimited hand size in between? Just like in Paper? Then the bounce can work as intended without the overpowering destroy effect.

  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't find it useless against the AI, although it's certainly less powerful than it was. Typically, I'll deactivate my bounce spell and fill it full of mana, and then bounce my opponent's creature the turn it comes into play. It doesn't work on creatures that draw a new card when you play them, like Tower Geist or Sylvan Messenger, but it works on the majority of things.
  • What makes me mad and is way over powered is the bounce of reinforced creatures. Someone touched on it but missed the main point I think. I just played a game where i had reinforced a creature 4 times. I had a NICE 25/25 with trample going one Crush of tentacles and I'm ruined because only ONE creature was returned to my hand and i only had 2 cards, so that should have been at least 4 of my 5 creatures in my hand. So now I'm left with no creature and they have a 16/16 and my only hope is the one 5/5 i might get back out next turn? Ridiculous.
  • madwren
    madwren Posts: 2,260 Chairperson of the Boards
    Especially when playing blue, I find it useful to resist reinforcing your creature. Always keep one in hand to be able to recast after yours is destroyed.
  • So to recap Bounce needs to

    Add a discard phase and allow our hands to fill up.
    Bounce regardless of hand size
    Bounce only 1 stack.
  • This thread has been running for a while now, in the latest update nothing on this has changed.

    @Dev team: How do you guys view this? Will you fix this or will it stay as is?
  • MisterPete
    MisterPete Posts: 18 Just Dropped In
    Well there is Lashweed Lurker now. Although it's colorless so not an advantage to blue. I'm surprised it hasn't been getting more mention.
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    MisterPete wrote:
    Well there is Lashweed Lurker now. Although it's colorless so not an advantage to blue. I'm surprised it hasn't been getting more mention.

  • mrhibachi
    mrhibachi Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    they should change the bounce mechanic from requiring 5 or less to requiring 4 or less. this would prevent bounce cards from denying draws. crush of tentacles will still be OP but at least it's super expensive. lashweed lurker is fine as a card IMO. harbinger of the tides also couldve been considered super busted until more people started playing exert influence or imprisoned in the moon.
  • Foznertep
    Foznertep Posts: 121 Tile Toppler
    I think bounce should simply always work like Lashweed Lurker and maybe just give the opponent "regular" mana in case of cards like Harbinger who give it exclusively to the bounced card.