Appreciation for Nova

Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
edited February 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
I spend a lot of time talking about just how bad the developers are at game design. I mean, a lot of time, because they are really bad - but let's not get sidetracked. I just wanted to make sure you have the right perspective when I say this:
Nova has the best character design in the game.


Whoever led the design for Nova: pat yourself on the back, go and grab a coffee, and take the rest of the day off - you deserve it and if anyone asks, tell them I said it was ok.

Now I'm sure the rest of you are probably starting to think, "Geez, Mawt, not only are you obnoxious and habitually offensive, but you're also dumb. You are so dumb." To you I say, "Sweet Summer Child, let me show you the error of your ways."

1. Nova is fun.
I made up a metric called "Time To Fun", or TTF. This is basically how long it takes from the start of a match before a character starts being fun. A lot of support characters tend to have long TTF - Loki is a heck of a lot of fun when you can goad the AI into making a match 4 in a colour they're not even going to use or firing off Trickery just after Patch's Berserker Rage, but those aren't always guaranteed events. Some of the bigger bruisers have combos that are great fun - like Hulkbuster's Rocket Fist - but they're often quite slow and you'll do anything to activate them sooner. Nova's much scrappier fighter. He's got three cheap abilities which means his TTF is low. You can be activating abilities by the second or third turn. A single ability doesn't do much by itself, but this leads to our next point,

2. Nova is self sufficient.
Not like Hulkbuster or Stupid Sexy Cyclops, because he doesn't generate AP for himself. Instead Nova makes Strike tiles. All of his abilities make them - any colour you want, as long as it's black - and two of them do "more stuff" if there's enough of those Black Strikes sitting around. As soon as you've activated one of his abilities, you've already made your next move better. Super. Nova's totally independent, just activating abilities and being awesome at it like it's nobody's business, I guess we can just stick him on any and every team and let him just do his thing. Well..

3. Nova is not OP.
Here's the thing. Here's what makes Nova such a well designed character in my eyes.
His abilities are strong, but they require a little bit of set up to reach that full potential, and he's at the lower end of the health pool spectrum. He'll punish you for letting him gain the advantage, but he won't punish you like Jean for random events from just playing the game.
Nova also has some truly great options for team synergy. Partner him up with X-23, who also creates Black Strike tiles and has an ability which gets cheaper the more there are; Professor X, who loves buffing friendly special tiles & allies with cheap abilities; or either Teen Jean or Iceman for rainbow coverage. But he's not a guaranteed auto-pick for your team. He and Hulkbuster are contesting 2 out of 3 colours, he and Star-Lord (should you feel compelled to use Star-Lord) are basically tripping over each other, he's probably a little too fast to pair with Carnage and reliably keep ahead of the enemy attack tiles.

Nova is fun to play, he's got great abilities that work well by himself but also offer decent synergy with a number of characters and a number of different types of teams. That is what makes him so good.

I truly hope that this level of design can be replicated and it's not like lightning in a bottle.
Once again, kudos to those involved in this design process.


  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    I agree wholeheartedly. I'm very excited for Nova which makes it a bummer that our Alliance was 103rd in the event and I was missing Jean Grey (the only four-star I'm missing) so only made t50 - I have just one cover.

    But yeah, might very well be the best designed 4-star there is. (I do like Kingpin's design a whole lot as well)
  • LordXberk
    LordXberk Posts: 252 Mover and Shaker
    Too bad I won't be able to play with him for 6 months unless I chase insanely expensive 40 packs and/or have the best luck imaginable (which would be the exact opposite my MPQ experience thus far).
  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    Let's not forget about his animation, too. AT least for his black power. My God that is an awesome animation. I think it might be the best in the game.
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreed in full, Mawt. Especially the part about you being insufferable. icon_e_wink.gif

    Caveat: I am speaking specifically about top-end PvP here. 4* characters aren't really an issue for the lower levels of play, and PvE is a sucker's game not worth talking about.

    However I feel compelled to point out the obvious: Nova may be great, but he'll be of limited use precisely because of point 3. Which is a real shame, because we definitely need characters that are actually fun in addition to being powerful. Yes, that is a very slippery term to use, being purely subjective in the extreme. I'm sure some people find Jean Grey fun, but I think she's dull as hell. Collect AP, nuke opposing team, win. Yawn. She also happens to be arguably the best 4* character in the game. Super. Hulkbuster and Rulk are marginally more entertaining. It's a good thing Creepy Bobby and Cyke are more entertaining, because the top end of the 4* spectrum is boring as **** without them. That being said, I don't really see Nova supplanting any of those 5 characters. I do so very much hope I'm wrong, though.

    Also, +1 for having great art and animations. Although like madsalad I've only seen black, I'm hoping the rest are equally slick.