Secret nerf

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
This is just my luck, I just made a guide and posted it on Steam. Then I discovered a few mistakes, so I decided to rerecord it, but things changed in the last 2 hours since I made the guide.

The thing is, you can't use the freebie Spiderman to heal anymore, because he now has blue/purple powers, instead of yellow/blue. So if you don't have OBW or CSM, you can't use this method. The devs really don't want new people to play their game.

Edit: I just noticed the boost section of the guide is useless too. I definitely took a bad time to make that guide...


  • Confimed.

    So they did; no more freebie healing in the prologue outside of your own supplied healers. All of the freebie Spideys in the Venom chapter are now 0/1/1, with the expection of the final encounter in the chapter, in which he is 0/2/1.

    To that, I would say "shots fired" in regard to the pending Spidey funbalance. He is going to get hit with the ugly stick quite hard.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Argh. The devs are constantly tweaking and forgetting to communicate even though they say they will. Seems moderately dishonest.
  • I'm on eggshells over impending Spidey and Magneto nerfs.

    They're both soooo very nasty right now... I can't shake the feeling that they're leaning more towards Ragnarok style Nerfageddon vs the more palatable Thorverine nerf.
  • As a new(ish) player without my own yellow spidey I guess i'm just gonna play less from now on. Is this gonna be permanent?
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    As a new(ish) player without my own yellow spidey I guess i'm just gonna play less from now on. Is this gonna be permanent?

    There's still the off chance of scoring a few Original Black Widow covers from heroic tokens, meaning you can start healing yourself with her (and using your health packs exclusively to revive her, unless you have surplus).
  • I'm on eggshells over impending Spidey and Magneto nerfs.

    They're both soooo very nasty right now... I can't shake the feeling that they're leaning more towards Ragnarok style Nerfageddon vs the more palatable Thorverine nerf.

    Magento will probably receive Thoverine style rebalancing most likely to remove his hyper-efficient red and blue casting costs and maybe tone down his purple damage a bit to bring him more in-line with expected 3*** damage output.

    On the other hand, Spidey is a dead man walking. There is **almost** no way he does get Nerfageddon'd at this point, especially so when the gameplay balance priorities are to remove/reduce healing capabilities and to remove/reduce stunlock capabilities of characters that break the game or allow players to succeed well over their roster potential.