new idea: Shield special assignment

Heartburn Posts: 527
I was posting on the forum early about one of my favorite games and was thinking how we can incorporate some of their successes into this game. i came up with Shield special assignment.

"What is the Shield special assignment?" you ask, i will tell you.

The Shield special assignment would be a season long assignment a list of goals shield agents would try to complete while said agents are in the field matching tiles. There would be all kinds of things a daily hit list of heroes to beat in matches to question for the daily mission (pvp or story) , performing daily feats like make a 3+ cascade today, in addition to having similar season goals equivalents like a make a match that leads to a 7+ cascade. there can be random things in there for example, "I see what you did there" in a match make a 3 in a row match then a 4 in a row match and then a 5 in a row in a single cascade or consecutive turns. it would automatically pop up in the top of screen if there is the possibility of completing the task in your next turn with a brief description or the achievement title with a "?" that you can click to get a pop up explaining the how to get the achievement and what steps were completed. (This feature may be annoying if you are in the middle of a hop or playing against the clock so it could be disabled by the player in the options menu.) the funner the better.
Something like grinding a story node with CP as a reward 3 or more times @ 1 point with the CP not being being rewarded achievement unlocked "Give me that CP already" for 2 CP.
pedobear_golden_seal_by_invader_zero.pngsorry sooo much CP

what would be the rewards? for many of the achievements ISO, ISO and more ISO with some of the harder seasonal rewards being HP, CP and more ISO. they will be sectioned in 3 main groups( example Hit list, or agent questioning, can be sub grouped into win in matches( defeat opponent in a match), receive as team up (duh), and along for the ride (win a match with them on your team[maybe too much but maybe have it look at your roster and pick from there? or maybe with some random heroes in each star.png set that are playable/required characters in the one of the seasonal events or a combo of both]) with maybe 3 sub groups in each grouping.

There would be a few things for each aspect of the game (gauntlet, LRs, Special events,DDQ ect.) more so for the main modes like story mode and PVP. These last two would have additional goals for each specific event in the season so there will be a need to map out the season in advance and more things to do in longer events ( 3 day vs 7 days [if they still persist]). rewards get better as you complete each sub group unlocking bonuses as more sub-groups->groups are unlocked culminating in the choice of 100 CP, 500K iso, 4000 hp, or 1/3 of 5* of your choice and cover.

now this will take extra planning and resources to accomplish and will need to be be a cash purchase only at least for the 1st release ($15) but maybe opened to other premium resources. to get more exposure once you purchase it you can gift it to 2(maybe 3) alliance mates, or 10 random people(or better 5 random people that logged in that day) that don't have one( with some added benefit to the sender like 5000 iso each).