Professor X + Magneto = Onslaught

GundamY Posts: 182
What do you get when you combine two powerful mutant leaders like Professor X and Magneto? A kickass fusion, that's what! See, I don't know how many of you guys are tired of four star spam heroes

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngOnslaught (Psychic Entity)


redflag.pngElectromagnetic Pulse - redtile.png 14 AP: The entire spectrum is dictated under Onslaught's iron fist. Destroy all blue tiles on the board. Does not gain AP. Deal 50 damage for each tile destroyed.

Level Upgrades
Level 2: Destroy all yellow tiles on the board. Does not gain AP. Deal 75 damage for each tile destroyed.
Level 3: Destroy all green tiles on the board. Does not gain AP. Deal 100 damage for each tile destroyed.
Level 4: Destroy all Team-Up tiles on the board. Does not gain AP. Deal 150 damage for each tile destroyed.
Level 5: Destroy all tiles on the board. Gain AP from all destroyed tiles. Deal 200 damage for each tile destroyed.

Max Level: Destroy all tiles on the board. Gain AP from all corresponding destroyed tiles. Deal 250 damage for each tile destroyed.

purpleflag.pngMutant Absorption - purpletile.png 16 AP: No mutant is safe from being assimilated to Onslaught. Whichever mutant has the lowest health will be instantly downed by Onslaught. This ability changes into the absorbed mutant's strongest ability. (This applies to the following mutant characters: Beast, Cyclops, Colossus, Daken, Deadpool, Iceman, Jean Grey, Magneto, Mystique, Professor X, Psylocke, Storm, Wolverine, X-23)

Level Upgrades
Level 2: After absorbing a downed mutant, use this again to fire off a yellow power from the downed mutant (i.e. Absorbed Colossus -> Immovable Object/ Absorbed Cyclops -> Mutant Revolutionary/ Absorbed Beast -> Medical Marvel).

Level 3: After absorbing a downed mutant, use this again to fire off a blue power from the downed mutant (i.e. Absorbed Iceman -> Uncanny Snowman / Absorbed Daken -> Chemical Reaction / Absorbed Mystique -> Infiltration).

Level 4: After absorbing a downed mutant, use this again to fire off green power from the downed mutant (i.e. Absorbed Jean Grey -> Full Of Surprises / Absorbed Wolverine -> Berserker Rage / Absorbed Storm -> Lightning Strike).

Level 5: Onslaught has access to every abilities of the absorbed mutant. If you have 30 Team-Up, Green, Blue, or yellow AP in your pool, you can fire your assimilated mutant's ability at no cost.

Max Level: Onslaught has access to every mutant's abilities on the field. If you have 30 Team-Up, Green, Blue, or yellow AP in your pool, you can use any mutant's ability at no cost.

blackflag.pngAstral Plane - blacktile.png 12 AP: Onslaught taps into the enormous psychic resources of the Astral Plane in order to manipulate matter and energy. Select a Team-Up tile. All Team-Up tiles become purple tiles.

Level Upgrades
Level 2: Select a blue tile. All blue tiles on the board changes into purple tiles.
Level 3: Select a green tile. All green tiles on the board changes into purple tiles.
Level 4: Select a yellow tile. All yellow tiles on the board changes into red tiles.
Level 5: Select an enemy special tile. Convert all existing enemy tiles into red tiles.

Max Level: Select any 3 tiles. The corresponding colors of the selected tiles all becomes red and purple tiles on the board.

To make this Epic Character somewhat fair, you cannot use either Magneto or Professor X when you select Onslaught in your team.


  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Too complicated, way too strong.

    14 red to do 16000 damage and gain roughly 10 AP of every color.

    And that's nothing. 12 Black is even stronger. Let's say there's 5 TU and 5 black on the board. So I pick blue, green, yellow. After those convert, more than 80% of the board is red and purple tiles. You're certain to create an apocalyptic board cascade that immediately gets you 20+ R/P and sets up 1-2 activations of red, which fuel more red/black.

    5* can be pretty strong at max covers, but they shouldn't just end a match against any opponent after getting 12 black AP. Even without your complicated 'kill any mutant and use their powers for free' power this spec is just way too powerful.
  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    ErikPeter wrote:
    Too complicated, way too strong.

    14 red to do 16000 damage and gain roughly 10 AP of every color.

    And that's nothing. 12 Black is even stronger. Let's say there's 5 TU and 5 black on the board. So I pick blue, green, yellow. After those convert, more than 80% of the board is red and purple tiles. You're certain to create an apocalyptic board cascade that immediately gets you 20+ R/P and sets up 1-2 activations of red, which fuel more red/black.

    5* can be pretty strong at max covers, but they shouldn't just end a match against any opponent after getting 12 black AP. Even without your complicated 'kill any mutant and use their powers for free' power this spec is just way too powerful.

    Any suggestions? The reason why it seems complicated is because I'm trying to render the powers as faithfully as I can from the comics. Onslaught is a formidable monster, so maybe he will get hit by the NERF bat so hard.

    Anyways, I'm more than happy to hear input on how to make Onslaught a total beast on the board while incorporating some fair balance. In theory, he should be the most powerful, but in practice, I'm not too sure what to do.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, if you really want to give dev another unstoppable monster, he'd be better suited as a Boss (Like Galactus or Ultron).

    That would then allow the developers to even force players into dragging a Mutant along for that insane Purple to destroy/absorb.
  • kyo28
    kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
    I could see him work but not as a playable character. Make him a special event PVE non-playable character like Galactus and I think you have a winner here.

    Also, would be a nice touch that characters like Magneto and Prof. X can't be used in the event and all the "Heroes Reborn" characters are boosted for that event: thinking of Cap Am, Iron Man, FF, Hawkeye, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was thinking about this concept again recently for a boss. I think that Purple power should just pull a random Mutant Power or two even. Make it a kind of random thing that you can't predict, but you know will be bad. Perhaps incorporate an algorithm to match low AP powers with higher AP powers, putting the cumulative total at around his AP cost. As an additional passive have Onslaught do extra damage to Mutants.

    Meanwhile, as I suggested previously, make Mutants the required characters for additional attacks on Onslaught. Ditch the minion nodes like Ultron or Galactus, just make these an extra attempt to damage the beast. Once every refresh you can make a team without Mutants for a single attack, and then you get those extra attempt to damage him with a Mutant on your team.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    At a bare minimum, you'd have to remove the ap gained from clearing the board. 64 ap gained from a 16 cost skill is just bananas.

    Imagine paying him with Hulkbuster and Cyclops. You could set up an infinite cycle. Overdrive, Hulkproof, Mutant Revolutionary feed Electromagnetic Pulse, and that feeds the others again.