Free-To-Play: Another Take

M C K Posts: 96 Match Maker
edited February 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So I had a miniature rant in another thread some time back (viewtopic.php?p=470396#p470396) about the supplanting of basic human decency with unabashed vitriol vis-a-vis these forums and the game in general. I still agree with this, by the way, and I'm not so naive to think that it doesn't happen everywhere else on the Internet.

I read another developer's editorial from October on the F2P vs. P2W model, and it was a really interesting take on the situation small independent developers find themselves in (this crew, Butterscotch Shenanigans, is three people strong). Several differences between the two companies and situations, BTW, but many of the principles are exactly the same. It's timely as they have just released a game that sounds pretty great, but costs $5 on the Google Play / iTunes stores. While the not-free price tag would have been enough for me to blow off the game in the past, I find myself reconsidering my opinion today.

You can read the piece here, and I suggest you do: ... art-1.html

As always, I encourage a lively, spirited, and yet civil discussion, because the Galactus event is in less than a day and we're going to be well outside the realm of civil discussion once it hits icon_e_smile.gif


  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    Great article! I'm an adult with a job and if I play a game for one week to one month because its fun, I sink 20 bucks into it. Even if I don't play it long after, its a thank you to the company and a hope for their success.

    I understand kids and broke college students have difficulty paying money, and that's perfectly fine. I would think the sense of entitlement and outrage comes mostly from a younger more broke crowd. (Maybe I'm wrong)

    In general, my favorite types of free to plays do a few of the following:

    1. Money is spent on customization or looks. (SKINS FOR CHAMPIONS D3, WHY YOU NO DO THIS? icon_cool.gif )

    2. Money is spent for a small permanent boost. 10% bonus xp etc.

    3. Money is spent for end game content unlocking.

    4. Money is spent to skip to a later part of the game because I'm bored, not because the content tries to MAKE me bored or grind excessively. (Buying champ covers I unlocked).

    In general, my most hated types of free to plays that I NEVER spend money on are the following:

    1. Temporary or one use items. Never. I will not pay for a virtual hot dog.

    2. Ridiculous unearned power boosts. (If we could buy a full covered champ without ever winning one of the covers.)

    3. Outs from horrible grinds or roadblocks in game. If your gameplay is so bad that I want to pay to not do it, I stop playing your game.

    4. Outrageous pricing. (Marvel heros. WAY too expensive)
  • LXSandman
    LXSandman Posts: 196 Tile Toppler
    wirius wrote:
    4. Outrageous pricing. (Marvel heros. WAY too expensive)

    I agree with your whole post except this part. Marvel Heros has to be one of the best f2p games i have ever played. You really get little advantage for spending money. When you do spend money it's mostly to change the look of your characters. Maybe you think the costumes are too expensive, but that is literally the only way they make money.

    Contrast that to this game. have you seen the price of ISO? Have you had to pay 1000 HP for roster slots? ROSTER SLOTS - Not even content in the game. Back before the update a 4* cover was 2400 HP.... that was like 20$ for one cover for a character that you need 13 covers for....

    You want to find a game with Outrageous pricing look no further then this game....
  • with supportive user group, crowd funding, and the right game plan. everybody wins.

    all with without the Pay2win element of F2P, the game is stand alone when you start you have access to all heroes, it is a game of skill. you can not buy anything to enhance your playing only extra to add quests and/or bonuses to keep things exciting, be warned the learning curve is steep, but the rewards can be life changing. The best part is that the best players can become millionaires. also if you get something rare it can sell for money on the market via free random drops or bonuses in cosmetic goods for money for your steam wallet( i personally have a few $30 items i do not want to part with, but my cousin just sold a $110 courier).
    MPQ seems to only leave me with regret.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Very interesting read thanks for sharing