Is he still bagsilver?

MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
edited January 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Summary: (thanks to udonomefoo)
blackflag.png AP cost reduced by 2, max damage reduced from 1,653 to 1,131
blueflag.png max team damage increased from 2,156 to 2,532
greenflag.png AP cost reduced by 2, max damage increased from 1,843 to 2,625; now adds a locked tu tile; no longer creates crit
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  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Why is there no option for saying he is the same as before in usefulness but not bottom of the barrel? I always considered him mediocre. Meaning when boosted, I would always use him, but not otherwise. Some characters are useless whether or not they are boosted, such as: Spider-Man, Ragnorak, IM40, Falcon, Doc Oc, and Sentry. When boosted I would always use Quicksilver to at least save on health packs.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    The main reason to use him has always been Idle Hands, but I still wouldn't trade an entire useful character for Idle Hands even when it's marginally cheaper than it used to be. He needed a complete rework, not a reshuffling of damage, slight acceleration and (God only knows why) a nerf to his green.
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    The main reason to use him has always been Idle Hands, but I still wouldn't trade an entire useful character for Idle Hands even when it's marginally cheaper than it used to be. He needed a complete rework, not a reshuffling of damage, slight acceleration and (God only knows why) a nerf to his green.

    If you look at discussion in the main thread, his green wasn't really nerfed. Using his green (which is cheaper now) creates a locked tile (which will make it even cheaper). His blue will go off a turn sooner now, and his blue does more damage.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Needs "I already used him and he's even better now" option.

    Now it will be much much easier to go winfinite with him and PX.
  • Clyve
    Clyve Posts: 91
    notamutant wrote:
    The main reason to use him has always been Idle Hands, but I still wouldn't trade an entire useful character for Idle Hands even when it's marginally cheaper than it used to be. He needed a complete rework, not a reshuffling of damage, slight acceleration and (God only knows why) a nerf to his green.

    If you look at discussion in the main thread, his green wasn't really nerfed. Using his green (which is cheaper now) creates a locked tile (which will make it even cheaper). His blue will go off a turn sooner now, and his blue does more damage.

    Does his blue go off a turn sooner? I noticed they changed the language slightly for blue and wasn't sure if that was the implication
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Clyve wrote:
    notamutant wrote:
    The main reason to use him has always been Idle Hands, but I still wouldn't trade an entire useful character for Idle Hands even when it's marginally cheaper than it used to be. He needed a complete rework, not a reshuffling of damage, slight acceleration and (God only knows why) a nerf to his green.

    If you look at discussion in the main thread, his green wasn't really nerfed. Using his green (which is cheaper now) creates a locked tile (which will make it even cheaper). His blue will go off a turn sooner now, and his blue does more damage.

    Does his blue go off a turn sooner? I noticed they changed the language slightly for blue and wasn't sure if that was the implication

    It looks like it should go off at the same number of tiles, but now green locks a tile too, so you have better control when to blow things up.
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    Biased poll is biased. icon_razz.gif I enjoyed playing him before, I'll wait for his pvp to see how he works now. QS pvp is my favourite. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here is the reality. All 3* are about PVE usefulness when buffed and will you have to pay attenion to him when featured in PVP. The answer is yes he is great with dare devil in PVE and when features in PVP because he has a QS counterpart he can do some damage to all and some solid direct damage. He can be used for winfinity with Pro X and a 1 cover OML. Is he top tier no, can you use him more than before yea.

    I am just happy since I have him championed I can spec him different ways for how I want to play. He is a perfect character to switch around when featured in PVP 5 in blue. In PVE 5 in black and green
  • These seem to be positive changes to the character; he has always been ok when paired up appropriately.

    The problem remains for QS that there are just much better teams in 3* land than almost all of the ones that could include him.

    Changing his green to help accelerate his blue is not a terrible thing. His blue has the capacity to hit surprisingly quickly and when maxed out, can hit pretty heavy. Considering that the critical that was placed in the old layout was completely random, it had the potential to be beneficial to the enemy team, a probability that should have never existed in the first place.

    And yes, it would stand very much to reason (given longstanding MPQ logic) that part of this change was inspired by the fact that a legendary can be won with a single Baglady invisibility cover.

    Side note - this will make the Vision, SW, QS even more fun to play. If you have not, try this squad out. They are surprisingly effective and entertaining together.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    A month ago some little birdie told me about this change put into the code, and I rolled my eyes and thought: "this is because IW is having to easy of a time in DDQ".

    That same little birdie told me about another change in the code I was/am looking forward to. Surprised they didn't activate both at once, so the "QS is still terrible" thread is offset by "Hey, an -actual useful- buff!" thread(s) instead.
  • ApocryphicV
    ApocryphicV Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    Quicksilver has his uses, I have never been in the camp that he is 'all bad'. Sure the damage reduction on his black is not great but black has never been about the damage, it has always been about the placement. You running Daredevil? Use QS to set up a red tile right next to his red trap and watch the Crotch Kick ensue. You have a moderately leveled Fury? Use black to set up a more likely trigger of his blue. Hard to reach countdown/ invisibility tile? Make it easier on yourself to match.
    People are also complaining his green got 'nerf' because he lost his random (emphasis on random) critical tile. No, it is a buff because now he gets a locked tile which speeds up his abilities so he can do his black, blue or green faster AND you no longer have the random-ness to account for and a damage buff.
    Also saying this makes DDQ harder for Invisible Woman is wrong. Before QS would get reap the benefits if you used IW's blue because she'll create more locked tiles for him, now it will only benefit if you are locking a team up tile. This now makes the match up easier for her not harder.
    I, for one, welcome these changes. He has never been Bagsilver to me and now he seems he can actually do what they have intended for him in the first place, make tons of lock tiles, control the board and do more damage with his 'trademark' blue. Will I run him in high level PvP? No, of course not but I might use him more now.
  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    Quicksilver has his uses, I have never been in the camp that he is 'all bad'.
    I didnt mean to imply he is all bad (who am I kiddin, yeah, I did). In just about every circumstance there is someone Id rather take, which is pretty much all bad and this really didnt change that up.

    I will say I have high hopes based on SnowcaTTs comment that the changes will be better once we learn the other half.
  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    Need an option for "Who the kitty cares, fix the myriad other problems with the game for kitty's sake!!!"
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    After the update I will have to give him a spin with Ragnarok/Iceman in sim. If running him with 2 blue spammers doesn't make that passive shine then I'll have my answer.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think just about everything has already been said about this change.

    Previously, Quicksilver filled a niche role. Going forward, Quicksilver is going to fill a niche role.
    Arguably, he'll be performing his duties a lot better - Idle Hands is cheaper overall, and now Green speeds up the rate of cost reduction. Putting more of the damage onto Blue's AoE is nice, and allows QS to act as somewhat of a deterrent in a defensive team. These changes generally appear to be an improvement for him.

    The problem he faces remains unchanged - his niche is probably too niche. His entire ability set builds towards manipulating the board, usually in order to generate a burst of AP. At present, he's great with Professor X and probably 2* Hawkeye - both of whom adore his ability to create match 5's. He's also somewhat soft countered by Jean Grey's passive
    By comparison, Cyclops is totally self-reliant (buttocks of leadership is often more for himself than other team members), has above average health pool, and his entire ability set builds towards dealing HUGE DAMAGE.

    There's not really a way to resolve this problem though - at least, no way to resolve it in a way that favours "the house". MPQ's current design rewards winning fast for a few different reasons. However not only does it rewards fast wins but it actually punishes slow matches; if you're taking longer to finish a match than anybody that you're competing against, then you're losing.

    So now that I've taken this way off course, let's see, is he still bagsilver? In the context of the current meta? Yes. Is he a mechanically rubbish character? No.