Suggestions Index of Hot Topics (Updated: 9/6/16)

MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
This is a compilation of the currently hot topics for MPQ suggestions and feedback. (This is meant to be a replacement of the Hot Topics Index that stopped getting updated back in Oct. 2014.)

If you have other topics that you think are big enough to go on this list, please either PM me or reply back to this thread. I don't think every suggestion ever made should be on this list, but I'm aiming to cover topics that keep coming up and seem to have a generally positive consensus on the forums.

Game Modes:
UI Improvements:
Quality of Life Improvements:
More ISO:
5 Stars: If anyone has good posts to link to for the above topics that are missing links, please let me know.

Requested features implemented since this Hot Topics list was originally posted on 1/27/16:
Edit 1/28: Added link to consistent progression system thread
Edit 1/29: Added leveling improvements links -- those have been repeatedly suggested forever; just forgot to include them in the original list
Edit 2/5: Added a "features implemented" section and happily moved 20 ISO and replace LTs with CP to it
Edit 2/10: Added links for scaling improvement suggestions, and suggestions for a "sandbox" mode
Edit 2/29: Added link to suggestion for unusable covers on characters at less than 13 covers -DayvBang
Edit 3/1: Moved "Option to skip tutorial" to "features implemented" section
Edit 3/18: Added "Fix the Vaults" and "Show wave number in survival nodes"
Edit 4/20: Added topic link to More ISO section (Daily ISO drop based on total # of levels rostered), 3 PVE/Story Mode Improvement Suggestions, Remove the PVP ISO skip tax, and Allow all covers to expire at different lengths, according to the star.png rating.
Edit 4/28: Organized suggestions into categories (Game Modes, UI Improvements, Quality of Life Improvements, More ISO and 5 Stars), added two topics ("Preview actual damage for variable damage skills" and "Increase sell price for covers of maxed champions")
Edit 7/27: Moved "Fix the Vaults" to "features implemented" section. Added new ideas to PVE section: Gulag & Epilogue modes, plus a new PVP suggestion: Loki-themed randomized battles.
Edit 8/15: Moved "Sell selected earned covers" to "features implemented" section
Edit 9/6: Moved "Replace critical boost 'rewards' with ANYTHING else" to "features implemented" section


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Making this sticky.

    Thanks for gathering this! I think there are a couple to add, I'll PM you later.
  • Well this needs updating icon_e_smile.gif YAY!!!
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    This is now updated with a new "features implemented" section - which now wonderfully includes "No More 20 ISO" and "Replace LTs with CP."
  • kyrain
    kyrain Posts: 32 Just Dropped In

    Scaling thread for low level rosters who are lucky enough to get a 5*, got a good discussion going , albeit slow. Constructive feedback.
  • The straw that broke my back today:
    Randomized daily Deadpool, hated this all week. Ultron, 1- first time ever in a daily deadpool (no warning), 2- on a multi-round, and 3- on the first freaking round no less. No prior visibility to opponents on rounds to determine if I have the best characters chosen. Or that Ultron is now a randomize character. I do not care if Daily deadpool seems repetitive; it works for building your characters day by day. It’s my morning coffee!!!!

    Good news:
    I did love the recent addition of Championing characters. Prior to that feature, I was hating getting SO MANY cards I could not use and could only sell for fodder amounts.
    Thank you for eliminating the 20-iso. It was insulting. Next to go, 70. Game costs too much for that non-sense.

    Older growing gripes:
    I have been border line writing this email since I Championed so many characters. The scaling of the opponents level to match my characters level is way TOO Close/High. Hate it. Everything just got harder and harder. Harder than prior to up’ing my characters. So WHY would I up my characters??? I am building (paying $$$ to build) my characters in order to wipe the floor against opponents in the Story levels. If I want a challenge I will play more on the Versus levels.

    A wound recently reopened:
    I hate the character balancing. Right or wrong, we start building a character based on all we know, the current spec’s. Every choice I make when spending hard, time earned iso, is based on those spec’s. Ex. I put everything into a character (2-star magneto) and you crippled him with re-balancing (ages ago). Recently a tweak to Ironman 40, not as bad a change as the prior example but still… If you are going to continue to balance characters, you should also do the following. When a player has a character being balanced, give that player a 1-time ability to shift cards within that character without cost, per impacted character.

    Feels like cheating:
    Two interrelated points about Opponent Boost/Team Ups on Story based level/rounds.
    1- Player needs to be able to see every team up card before the level/round begins. If I can’t see it, you can’t use it.
    2- NPC’s (soldiers, ninjas, etc) should not have the ability to use boost/team up if all main/playable characters are already defeated.

    Recap - Do’s and Don’ts:
    · You keep adding characters, good. You will keep me hooked to collecting and building.
    · Give me ability to win iso faster/more to level up at a better rate than current. That might be addressed by simply seriously lowering the scale level matching of opponents on story levels. I can replay them faster and earn the now 7-some rewards per instance/round.
    · Put daily deadpool back as was and leave it alone. If you must change it, make it winnable, so users can build characters at a pace other than months.
    · Add ability to multi-select cards when selling them. And of course when using multi-select, do not prompt me/warn me more than once when selling cards of 3 or more stars. Easy, right?
    · Scale the amount a card is sold for based on players level of that character. I like everything on the Championing feature… but then what when I get them to 255? More cards to sell for fodder amounts?? You need to give more iso when selling based on character level and champion status or when character is maxed. It’s an earned bonus for maxing your character and only encourages users to do it on more characters. This should apply (at a different scale) even if player does not champion as a maxed-out character.
    · The Commander points are also a good idea. The 20-25 amounts for a random card are ok. But the amounts for directly adding cards to a character are insane. Don’t add the feature if you never expect a user to use/afford it. You bleed people enough and they leave/quit.
    · Balance your balancing. Keep balancing to an absolute minimum or eliminate if possible. If you do apply a character balance, give user ability to balance the aftermath. Also, a nice to have, a notice in advance (1 week minimum). So we don’t continue in a direction that might not matter after balancing.
    · Team-ups are not for NPC’s and must be presented to the Player at time of level selection.

    Share this with your designers and coders during your daily scrambles, huddles, morning reviews, whatever you call them in your workspace.
    Please reply with some good news, hopefully with a release date along with it.
    At this time I need ISO more than Hero points; if you feel like making it right until the code changes. iso8.pngiso8.pngiso8.png
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    How about suggested/requested heroes and villains? Was looking for the thread but can't find it.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    kensterr wrote:
    How about suggested/requested heroes and villains? Was looking for the thread but can't find it.
    There's a Speculation & Concepts subforum in Characters over here: viewforum.php?f=21

    I don't know of any unified thread for characters people want to see, but I could see an argument for one being made either here in Suggestions or over in Concepts.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Have there been any good suggestions or requests in the last few months? I get that it's probably a pain to update this, so no worries...
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    mpqr7 wrote:
    Have there been any good suggestions or requests in the last few months? I get that it's probably a pain to update this, so no worries...
    This has now been updated with some unique PVE and PVP mode ideas that have come up.

    Only one item since the last update was moved into the "features implemented" section: "Fix the Vaults." It used to be that a vault closed out the minute the last slice ended; it now closes 24 hours after that, which is a great quality of life improvement, especially for people who play in the last slice of a Story event.

    Various things have entered the game in the last few months but none of them exactly match what people on the forums have been asking for. More ISO has always been a request, and the increase to the daily alliance bonus and more ISO in the Taco vaults appear to be direct responses to those requests. We've asked for covers for maxed champions to have a higher sellback rate, but instead we got a higher sellback rate for maxed champions themselves, which is making it reasonable to continually farm 2* champions for rewards. Not exactly what we were asking for, but a welcome change nonetheless.

    The speed of leveling up a character one level at a time was increased in R104, but it's still not what I (and I assume many others want): a way to push one button and level up a character. Then we could just press that button 10 times to level them up ten levels. The quicker level button is something, but you still have to hold down until it's done, let go, then hold down, then let go, etc. Still the same mechanic and rather annoying when you want to go up a large number of levels (but don't have or want to spend all the ISO to bring the character up to their current level max).

    Also in R104 we got "Selling a cover in your Reward Cache no longer sends you to the top of the Reward Cache list." That's a great improvement, but still not being able to sell selected earned covers.

    R105 even gave us some great quality of life improvements that weren't on this list at all, such as being able to preview the effects of a cover level increase or decrease for a character.
  • Magere
    Magere Posts: 50 Match Maker
    I've seen many new and inventive powers that shake up, move or destroy tiles, powers of strikes and direct damages.....

    How about a power that removes stuns from your team?
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    @DayvBang or other mods: feel free to un-sticky this post.  It's out of date, and with the forum move none of the links to the topics work anymore anyway.  I don't have the motivation/desire to search for them and update everything.  I think it would be better if someone else just started from scratch with the current hot topics of the moment.  ("Don't nerf anyone, or at least any more 5*s"?  "Give us SCL 9 & 10"?)  

    Some of the topics on the list were arguably handled by SHIELD Ranks and Clearance Levels (e.g. more ISO gained, based on your roster) and the long-requested add 1 level by pushing one button and somewhat scrollable leaderboards were finally granted a little while back.  Meanwhile seemingly simple fixes, like adding the wave number you're on and total number of waves has yet to make it into a release, even though we've been asking for that since waves came into the game with Enemy of the State.

  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    @DayvBang or other mods: feel free to un-sticky this post.  It's out of date, and with the forum move none of the links to the topics work anymore anyway.  I don't have the motivation/desire to search for them and update everything.  I think it would be better if someone else just started from scratch with the current hot topics of the moment.
    Makes sense.  Will do, @MPQ_Daywalker