Roster Tabs + UI changes

Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
edited February 2016 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
Hi all (especially developers),

As a regular player with a large character roster (71) it occurred to me that I find myself regularly having to scroll through a random list of characters I may or may not use to get to a particular character I want to add to my team/train/look at because I can.

So I ask and suggest a possible solution to this frustrating waste of time by having a selection of user defined tabs where we can select which characters are visible and which aren't. Have 12 characters you use all the time for PVP add to Roster tab 1 and they are quick to find and use. Have 4 essential characters for PVE you always bring add to Roster tab 2. Then lastly have the final tab with all characters as standard.

Now failing that give us the option to manually sort our characters instead of having them arranged by level maybe drag and drop a character. I ask this because before when my characters were 166 I knew exactly that they were in alphabetical order but now with the RNG of champions I my characters maxed are all over the shop again.

I am aware that scaling currently uses the first three in your roster and this could then cause abuse to the already broken system by assigning three level one characters to the first three slots hence the custom view suggestion. So how about changing it so it looks at your average roster level or takes the top three levels from anywhere in your roster rather than the first three.

Anyway just some thoughts that I think the entire player base would appreciate by being able to manipulate the way you see your characters getting to the important ones faster.


  • Phraeg
    Phraeg Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Very good suggestion. The order can even change daily with the DPD award now making characters switch places very often. Having championed characters sorted alphabetically would make a lot more sense than having them sorted by level at this point. Having them sorted alphabetically by default or giving us an option to would be great.
  • alaeth
    alaeth Posts: 446 Mover and Shaker
    Since the introduction of Champion levels, I agree... some solution is needed since my 2* are now randomly scattered throughout my roster. It can be challenging to find that one specific character in the vast sea of my roster.