When to start Max-ing?

cooperbigdaddy Posts: 408 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2016 in Roster and Level Help
So, if you'll look at my roster, I have some 4*s covered once and I'm working my way on covering my 3*s, with some 2*s championed.

Right now, I'm soft-capping many characters at 106 (this random number was the highest level person/dino I had when I discovered what soft-capping was!) and I was curious when I should start raising this number as my soft-cap. Should I wait till I have a certain number of 3*s with maxed covers and then max them or should I wait on getting CERTAIN of my characters max covered and then go ahead and max as many as I can? I will always add a level to my 2*s when I get them so as not to go to waste, so obviously I will creep up my max should they go above 106.

Also, so you know, I'm not SUPER competitive, but I do play DDQ every day to get more 3* covers. Also, I'm definitely a token hoarder and won't open any tokens until I have an empty slot so I don't have to dump a character.

Any help with this or anything else in my roster would be lovely! Thanks!


  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    120 is the next logical level spot for your team. That is where star.pngstar.pngstar.png characters start to get expensive. I wouldn't just push up one or two characters though. I would save your ISO so you can move at least 6-8 of your better 3* characters. This will also give you time to get a few more covers for those 3*s.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not much to say about your roster. You seem to be cruising along, doing everything right that I can see. When I got all my 3s to 110, I stopped leveling and hoarded iso. You can go to 120 if you want, especially with championing now, you won't be leaving your 2s too far behind, if at all.

    At that point just hoard iso until you have a good amount or characters fully covered and then choose who gets the iso. You could level them all evenly, but keep in mind that you'll never have enough iso to max everyone. Never. Not happening. At some point you have to start to be selective.