Dev team introduction

Hibernum_JC Posts: 318 Mover and Shaker
edited January 2016 in MtGPQ News & Announcements
Hey folks!

It took a while (sorry!) but we’re finally on here! Let’s introduce ourselves:


We each have different responsibilities with MTGPQ. Ben has been with the project the longest, and you might have seen him in some videos - he’s the man with the plan, the guy behind the game at its earliest! Ben’s duties involve a bucket load of planning while also taking care of the new features in the game. Marie is our QA girl extraordinaire, who handles a lot of stuff, and who will be taking care of you guys mostly for the bugs and support - she’s probably going to pop in with some questions for you guys to help us reproduce issues when you have them and help out as much as she can. As for myself, I’m the guy in charge of cards and content! I take cards from the physical game, adapt them into our game and rebalance them (so you can blame me for Harbinger of the Tides! I know, I know, I made a mistake there…). I’ll be mostly talking to you guys about balancing and the game’s content.

It took a bit of time for us to get here - apologies for that! We’ve been incredibly busy prepping the first of many updates to come. Hopefully this one gives you a peek on what’s to come moving forward!

Rest assured that we have been reading the forums quite extensively, looking for feedback (1.3 brings a first batch of answers!), and we’re going to be more active on here from now on. It’s all about hitting cruising speed!

Don’t hesitate to ask us questions, and we hope you guys are enjoying the game!