"Energy Absorption" activated incorrectly

awef Posts: 78 Match Maker
Was doing The Big Enchilada using 3 star Steve Rogers. "Star-Spangled Avenger" downed the last enemy of wave 1. Then, before the 3 enemies of wave 2 were summoned, "Energy Absorption" activated and gave the enemy team 4 red AP, despite Captain Marvel not being damaged.


  • I just saw the same issue under almost identical circumstances: during Round 1 of Big Enchilada, I used 3* Steve Rogers to stun the last enemy in wave 1 (a Hand ninja) with Peacemaker and then kill him with Star-Spangled Avenger so he wouldn't Turn to Smoke. Captain Marvel was in the next wave (I think in the third spot) and I saw Energy Absorption activate just after killing the ninja and before wave 2 appeared.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    This is reported almost every time Captain Marvel turns up on the second wave of Big Enchilada, and is a long-standing bug with survival nodes that's been around since they were first introduced.